W32.Donut .NET

jawohl 63

Perfect opening hand?

  • Cache
  • Aesops
  • Daily Casts
  • Wyldside
  • Sure Gamble

Gets you rolling! If not, I'd mulligan for one of Aesop's, Wyldside or Cyberfeeders with some money.

Then just draw into early Grimoire, Donut and start denying money & milling R&D. Occasional runs are extraordinary effective, cause corp is usually left with porous defenses.

I was reluctant to put Djinn into the deck, but it turned out to be powerful - saves the day with 3 extra MU, and what is more, tutors you an Imp!

I don't even bother running archives, people usually shitting their pants seeing few agendas in there, icing up, and leaving R&D / HQ quite open, which you can penetrate fairly deep with occasional breakers suite and medium/nerve agent.

Besides having 3 Deja vu's and 3 Sure Gambles, Donut does not hurt you that much, cause Virus Pawnshop turns your rig into a cash cow.

And just one thing...

Cache is a game changing card.

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.NET.dotNET by Benny/29A
17 Aug 2014 Myriad

I worry about your breaker suite. I like Knight as a click intensive D4v1d, but some opponents may just trash them and lock you out, which works both ways I suppose, depending on what they trashed to keep you out.

Also 1 Corroder, 1 Mimic and 1 Yog seems too little to me. Darwin might be a good include... since you are already running Cyberfeeders.

I do really like the rest of this deck though. I think Donut and Hostage are fantastic. It really adds a lot of consistency with Noise. Its too bad there are not more connections Noise would want right now.

17 Aug 2014 jawohl

@Myriad thanks for the comment.

Well, just think of it like that - you are playing Noise. You're trashing lots of cards. You're having Imp and Parasites. You're trashing cards again. Then, just like I said, corp's porous defenses are easy to hit. Host a Knight on an ice. They trashin? Cool, they will have to find another one to install, rez, and threaten you. Really, with that much of trashing and wyldside drawing you lots of cards, that is not a big problem. At least for me.

You could play more than 45 cars though and have additional corroder and mimic, cause there is sadly nothing to cut out.