endorphins (3rd @ warwick co)

crowphie 554

when you play perfectly around all reasonable options and lose to tyr

The event was great but nothing beats an evening of very serious tournament prep where i played mario kart, trombone champ, and pokemon snap with friends

I thought about not bringing decks and just hanging out and seeing folks I missed at worlds and uk nats, but with transport being a pain it made more sense to actually play. Taking stuff too competitively routinely has a really negative impact on my mental health so I forced myself to take it casually. My runner was QTM's Princess Toadstool aka Umbrella Ari which seemed like a very complicated deck so I played it with 0 reps so I couldn't get competitive. I've barely played Ari but it was far more intuitive than expected, maybe from the [too many] games of control shaper I jammed when Reaver was a thing. The deck went 3-1 and could have gone 4-0 if I didn't punt vs ag, it slaps, the possibility space for frog decks is wildly underexplored and I think I'm back to where I was in conts season: that she could be the best runner right now and it's just a matter of finding a good build

I think this corp is from @krysdreavus but I'm not even sure ey know I brought it. It seemed funny and memey and pretty casual, and it gets to play Ganked which is always a big plus. I never actually Ganked looped someone with Ansel or Drafter all day, which is maybe just impractical, but it's fine because Tyr was no cap the best card in the deck and also happens to be one of the most serotonin-rich cards in the game.

  • he is large
  • I missed lethal on an Esâ by not getting this back off a Bran fire. I got ablative barrier when we were at threat 2 and also it can't get back agendas and also my good remote already had an agenda in it. If I got back Tyr I could have taken xe to 6 core and blown up xir Marrow for game
  • Trieste Tyr is almost as funny as a ska remix of Happy Birthday played by a trio of poorly handled trombones
  • Ganked Tyr is usually just good enough, you don't need to loop and kill all their installed cards, yknow?

I won my first 2 games solely off the back of Tyr, lost game 3 on turn 2 lol and barely scraped a win in game 4 after missing a Tyr lethal. unironically the best card in the list and there's definitely more to explore with this style of HB. this could be real

you can put in hakarl off your tucana trigger when they steal, then use asa to put in a ganked. It's pretty sick and also never happened but like, the idea is cute

big ups to harmonbee the event ruled

4 Dec 2023 jan tuno

thank you <3

4 Dec 2023 not_yeti

As the first Tyr victim of the tournament I can confirm that my internal Netrunner database is not prepared for "what if it Ganks me into this Tyr?".

Serotonin was shared by all. Great tournament.

4 Dec 2023 harmonbee

Trieste Tyr is almost as funny as a ska remix of Happy Birthday played by a trio of poorly handled trombones

truer words have not been spoken

for real though, congrats on the result and thank you for traveling up for the event! I definitely think you're right about Týr (and we've seen similar success from Hydra, and I've been having similar thoughts about Archer) - he is large and very good at keeping runners out.

now slot Corporate Troubleshooter for max Týranny (don't do this)

4 Dec 2023 crowphie

Týranny is a banger name tho