ROK's Normal Ass Hyper-Kate (top 8 NorCal regionals)

RedOnionKnight 161

This deck is almost a direct copy of bblum's list of the same name that won a store champ in my old stomping ground of Cleveland Ohio, so all credit goes to him. I wanted to not play faust since everyone was teching against him and I liked this list because it still fit parasite in (although I couldn't find it in the one game I needed it in). The one change from his list was - 1 dirty laundry +1 film critic. Dirty laundry is a nice 4th sure gamble but in testing econ was fine without it. This was extra tech to deal with IG. My strategy for IG was to score future perfect off film critic as fast as possible using indexing. That strategy won me 1 game so I was happy with the change.

Kate is good, just draw until you can lock the remote and then index for the win. Went 3-3 on the day with two losses to food coats which I hadn't practiced against. The other loss was to a rush IG kill deck but I got to 6 points. The losses felt close and like it could have gone the other way with a better pilot. This deck feels like it has the answer to everything. Corp really carried the day for me though.