Blackguard of the Red Queen

Heartthrob 2490

A deck idea tossed around and tested by myself @AKAndersen and @PatFIzzle22.

I just really wanted to put Reina and Blackguard together. It's in the early testing stages still, so any ideas are appreciated.

This deck wants to force the corp to rez all the ice that we want them to rez, and at a premium price using Blackguard + Xanadu, Bishop, Reina ID. In the process you'll get a good look at their defenses and either make them spend money or know that they can't afford to rez. You shouldn't have to deal with too much surprise ice this way and you can make the corp rez ice on servers you don't want to run while simultaneously making them spend creds.

After some testing, it's clear that this deck wants to set up for an explosive turn every 3-4 turns. Get everything ready for a couple of turns, see what the corp is up to, and then hit them with a devastating turn when they can't afford it. The Blackguard strategy doesn't even have to be used every game and can be thrown in as a surprise if you don't draw it early. 3x Mr. Li to get you Blackguard + Expose cards.

Blackguard + Snitch combo with Xanadu + Rook = Sicknasty!

Although it hasn't happened, I dream of the game where I Blackguard an Archer and the corp is forced to sac a Project Atlas...oh baby.

Again, early testing still. Looking for feedback.

24 Feb 2014 PeekaySK

I'm surprised I'm not seeing Satellite Uplinks in here. Hell, I'd be tempted to turn those Lis into Wyldsides just to get a chance to fit some in.

24 Feb 2014 bot2563

No MU problem in play ?

24 Feb 2014 Heartthrob

Peek, my first version had Wyldside + Sat Uplink. The problem was that Sat Uplink is not great until you have Blackguard out and I want the deck to run like a normal Reina deck with Black as its extra punch. Between Infiltration, Flint and Snitch you should be able to expose everything. IDK. I pick Li over Wyldside because I don't want to have to trash those extra draws...I feel safer putting them at the bottom of the deck in case of a long game.

MU is not a problem so far. Black adds 2 MU when you get it and you don't need everything on the table to Snitch facecheck things. Late game situation you just have to make the hard calls I guess? Rook is usually done working after a while and you just choose between Hem or Keyhole when necessary...

24 Feb 2014 AkAnderson

I'm not a big fan of Stimhack unless it combos with something, that's one card I personally would consider removing. I realize Flint is in there mostly to expose but if you do ever get to use the ability, it seems that Hemorrhage gives the Corp a way to avoid you getting anything good. Just my two cents.

24 Feb 2014 Heartthrob

I love Stimhack! Go out swinging says I :D Live dangerously...

Do I just drop Hemorrhage altogether then? I thought about dropping both Keyhole and Hemorrhage altogether. What about Blackmail? I wonder how that would work...

24 Feb 2014 PatFizzle22

I love the strategy behind this deck!

Add 1 Blackmail! It is scary for Weyland. Definitely keep Stimhack. It has proven to be very effective and can help you break strong HB ice like Wotan and Janus. Nice to have when you know there is an agenda in a remote server.

This is a great deck against HB and Weyland but I wonder how it would perform against NBN or Jinteki.

24 Feb 2014 Heartthrob

Yeah Fizz, low-ice decks might be interesting. But they're always interesting for Reina right?

Glad you like that strat...since it took your HB down son! haha

24 Feb 2014 PatFizzle22

Yea my illegal HB deck with 6 Hedge Funds (oops) which was pretty impressive!