The StoneMason 1.0

dulux 1

This deck is inspired by CJFM and his "Legends of the hidden temple" but trying to use the advantage of well protected central servers and then scoring usually from hand (several times 5-7 points in one turn). The star of the deck is both the new agenda and asset from Weyland.

Card choices:

Agenda Suite: Government to reduce density and because can be scored in one turn with New Construction - mumbad construction combo. The rest of the agendas likewise.

Assets: long term money and draw what you neeed with the DBS but the star of the deck is Mumbad Construction Co,

Upgrades: crisium anti the usual things and cyberdex anti clot (usually installed in a naked remote) and caprice for that extra protection sometimes needed in the centrals (even a remote with ice + mumbad construction Co.

Operations: Dedication to help the star of the deck and diversified for obvious reasons

Ice: resilient to the current meta and mixes well with the agenda suite (advancements tokens and so on)

The deck is slow at first , but once you get to play it a few times is easy to pilot.

A bit weak during the first turns, but almost unstoppable in the medium long term.

Just playtested a few games and all the loses were early game (25% or so).