Genes to Troll For! (Post O&C Industrial Genomics)

StarryVeck 1

So, it's fair to say that I was VERY SAD about the release of Eater in Order & Chaos so soon after the release of the Industrial Genomics: Growing Solutions ID, as runs on archives basically removed the teeth of its ability. Presumably the Eater love is going to die down a bit, but this is my attempt at mitigating its effect in the meantime, based on the excellent Genes to Die For! v.1.1 deck by @licoricemaniac.

So, onto my changes...


Utopia Fragment is gone in favour of Hades Fragment. Wasn't a big deal but I figured that if there had to be a single, easy to steal 3-pointer in here, that I'd prefer not to encourage the runner to run with mega-bucks (for agenda stealing) available to trash a previously unexposed/revealed Ronin. Effect gives a little more flexibility in dumping cards early game too.


Pained me to do it but I dropped a Cerebral Overwriter to free up influence for Troll. This might be a mistake. Ideally what you want to do with this deck is let the runner see one of your Ronin or your Cerebral Overwriter and then keep the other hidden. If they fall into forgetting you could be packing both, it sets up the kill far easier. Upside of this change is that two additional influence are accounted for elsewhere, so savvy runners who are tracking your influence spend might manage to convince themselves that Overwriter isn't a threat.


Archived Memories has been switched for a less versatile, but perhaps more useful Reclamation Order. I did this as I often found myself dumping Neural EMPs early game, and the ability to pull them all back in one go once your Ronins and Overwriters are on the table is very, very sexy.


Main thing here is the addition of Swordsman and Troll, both of which are going to live over Archives and are going to annoy/tax the runner without allowing them to get an Eater non-access in, thereby faceplanting into all your lovely Shock!s and Shi.Kyūs. Once your Sundews are doing their thing, taxing the runner into losing a click upon each Troll encounter shouldn't be too difficult.

Sadly, influence spend meant that the Eli 1.0s couldn't all stay. Wall of Thorns has taken their place, with the main downside being the rez cost. Again though, the Sundew money machine should help keep you rich enough to rez these. And once they are rezzed, they're less porous than Eli 1.0 anyway.

Don't think I'm brave enough to try it any of the upcoming store championships, though will be running this casually over the next couple of weeks to see if it can hold it's own against Eater shenanigans.

22 Mar 2015 Stigmatias

A Himitsu-Bako over archives works well against eater decks if they wait to check until you have it primed with Shock!s and Shi.Kyūs. When they decide to run with Eater, either pull it back for a credit and let them decide if they want to access or not and if the Himitsu-Bako is unrezzed then just let them access.

You may also want to think about one or two Hostile Infrastructures to help with recovery after an archive access and to protect against nontraditional trashing mechanisms that runners use to counter IG, like Keyhole and Imp.