I think the key thing to notice here is that card draw is strong in the right circumstances. Certainly 1 card > 1 Credit most of the time. The credit option ensures that you're never forced to over-draw. In any case, I think this will be best in decks that can leverage draw. I can see it as an outermost piece of Ice in Cerebral Imaging, for instance. Apart from that, it's in faction with re-use and could potentially be helpful in any deck that finds itself playing down to a small handsize. It also has mild synergy with Jackson, which is never a bad thing.
The comparison with Caduceus is important, because it nullifies what would be the other argument for this Ice, which is that it's cheap and taxing. Caduceus is probably better unless a) You really like the draw or b) Link becomes prevalent in your meta. That said, it costs an extra credit to break with Mimic, which isn't nothing.
Over all, I probably agree that this is second tier Ice, but I'd love to be wrong.