Pay Now, Dont Pay Later 2.0

Pinkwarrior 2351

Event heavy Iain Stirling deck. The Idea been while your setting up your rig you get free credits from the corp scores, Then you pile the pressure on with events when set up with runs all over the place.

The Prepaid VoicePAD helps the econ immensely.

New Angeles lets you avoid tags all day long and completely ignore them data-ravens, the 2 fall guys help keep them up and running.

data-dealer is a shi kyu counter plus can be used to drop you back a few points if need be.

Torch, Garrote & Corroded for excellent efficiency once you get them out theirs no stopping you.

Desperado helps keep the econ going when your running.


Took out the plasecrete carapace it had no real value in the deck with the new angeles they carnt tag you anyway added John Masanori for some extra draw.

Changed snitch for another hostage as the snitch was of no value to me once the rigs setup nothing can stop you given the funds.

29 Jun 2014 esutter479

Interesting concept, Pink. :) Favorited for future reference. Not sure I wouldn't try to find a way to fit in a 3rd Same Old Thing, and of course I'd see about putting in a 3rd Desperado though that requires picking up a 3rd Core Set, sadly.

30 Jun 2014 Pinkwarrior

@esutter479totally agree i only have the 2 core sets tho so can't get 3 in, tho truth be told i haven't found a need for 3 i always seem to have it when am running cud be luck. A 3rd same old thing would be great but its fitting it in.