I Ain't Afraid of No Bed (Freaky Ghost Bed)

Tekkactus 94


12 Jul 2015 Phoenix

How are you dealing with Turing, Swordsman or any server with more than 2 single subroutine cheap pieces of ice?

12 Jul 2015 Tekkactus

@Phoenix I don't. This is still pretty much an alpha build and I'm still ironing out how to handle all the things it currently just rolls over to. As for now, Swordsman and Turing don't particularly scare me, because there are much more common threats that I am more worried about.

12 Jul 2015 Zenit

I have a ruling question about Grappling Hook + e3 Feedback Implants. Do they work togehter to pass all the subroutines in one ice?

13 Jul 2015 tiedyedvortex

@Zenit Yup, that's how it works. Grappling Hook breaks all the subroutines except for one on a piece of ice. Assuming that the ice has at least two subroutines, you are breaking at least one subroutine. This triggers e3, which lets you pay an additional credit to break the last one.