Lady In Red (2nd Place GNK)

ChairmanHiro 460

This is the Runner deck I took to a GNK in Arizona over the weekend. It did pretty well and I ended up coming in 2nd. I would have gotten 1st except my Corp deck had a really crappy time in the last round with the runner stealing 2 agendas off the top of the deck at the very beginning of the game. Still I was pretty glad to do this well with my favorite anarch ID before she rotates out. It's your modern day tagme siphon/eater/keyhole deck with some chess flavor added.

Cards -

Account Siphon: I think you know why this is here.

Keyhole/Eater: Ditto.

Parasite: I actually went back and forth between this and Crescentus. I eventually settled on Parasite because of the recursion with deja vu, which enables inject draw, and helping deal with a few problem ice for good. Twice during the tournament I used Deja Vu to bring back 2 parasites and put them both on an Archer. Fun times.

Employee Strike: This used to be Wanton Destruction, and I miss it dearly, but these days Employee Strike is near-mandatory in a competitive deck, especially with AgInfusion running around. I didn't see any Agi's anywhere but it came in useful against one of my friends playing Skorpios, keeping my last Siphon from being removed so I could use it again, which ended up winning me the game.

Mad Dash: I LOVE mad dash with Keyhole. The deck used to have 2 of them but I had to make room for Emp Strike and the full set of Day Job.

Black Orchestra: Why just BO and not MK or PC? Well I tried having all 3 conspiracy breakers and no Hades Shard, but in testing found that I rarely used MKUltra or Paperclip. If wraparound was still an issue, I would have to put in clippy, but everyone is on IP Block now, which isn't nearly as much of an issue. Chiyashi is a problem, but it's 13-15 credits to rez in this deck. If that thing gets rezzed against me, my deck is clearly not doing it's job in the first place. Swordsman sucks, but on the rare occasion I see one, I just parasite it and move on. Reinstalling Eater is easier than finding and using MK and about the same cost. Same with turing on a central. However, you ABSOLUTELY MUST have an answer to Hortum. A +3 hortum will flat out end the game for you, and a lot of people in my group like weyland, so I knew I was going to need this.

Rook: While you often only need to see one of these, an early rook makes the tempo swing of that first siphon oh so much sweeter, and will end up netting you a few extra keyhole runs as well, since +3 to rez makes it noticeably harder for the corp to stabilize after getting siphoned. On rare occasion it also nabs you an agenda on a remote. Granted, the corp can install over their ice to trash the rook, but I'm quite okay with it essentially being another parasite in that case. Using it properly takes a little practice, but one well-placed rook can easily end up draining the corp of 4-8 credits and trashing an ice, making it kind of a pseudo love child of siphon and parasite. Easily the best of the chess pieces and a little underrated in my opinion, though I'm probably a bit biased (ignore the giant reina poster on my wall).

Vigil: Valencia's console that's really Reina's. Like how Grimoire is Whizzards console even though it's really Noise's. Turntable might also be a decent option in the right meta, but this deck needs as much draw as it can get to keep it's foot on the pedal as hard as possible and end the game as quickly as it can before you run out of gas.

Plascrete: You go tagme. Don't f**k up. 2 of them might not be a bad idea.

Retrieval Run: Recurs parasite/rook if needed, gets things trashed with inject. Recovers eater/keyhole if they get trashed. Surprisingly nice backup to have.

Anyway, here you go. This is probably about the best a Reina deck can be right now, outside of some small tweaks to fit your meta. Maybe after mining accident comes out you could swap it for the rooks. I've also wanted to see if I could squeeze a datasucker or 2 in there to make keyhole runs cheaper, but that'll be another discussion and also kind of futile since Reina will be leaving us very soon after that.

For all you Reina fans, this one's for you.......

14 Aug 2017 CodeMarvelous

YASSSSS! good work @ChairmanHiro

18 Aug 2017 rubyvr00m

Props on getting results on the Red Queen! She's always been a pet card of mine.

I wonder why you did not include Mars for Martians, seems like it fits right in here.

18 Aug 2017 ChairmanHiro

@rubyvr00m M4M was a very strong consideration, but I unfortunately just didn't have the slots for it, plus it would have been included almost solely to counter closed accounts, and I knew I wouldn't be seeing a lot of NBN (I was right, there was only one NBN deck at the tournament). If I was expecting more yellow I would have to find room for 2x of it. Maybe -1 rook -1 emp strike or something.