The Definitive Astrograil

Kroen 315

In this deck, Midway acts similarly to Ash and Caprice. That is to say, it makes servers extremely taxing. Most of the time your grails will have 3 subs, and Ashigaru can have up to 6. Your increased hand size would allow you to keep all those grails intact. Why two Excaliburs? well that's easy: One to install, and another to keep in HQ to reveal to other grails when needed. This deck at its heart is a glacier deck, but if your glacier plans fail you can always resort to riding the SanSan Astrotrain. Tell me what you think.

11 Jan 2015 rotage

12 ice does seem a little low to me, have you struggled with not having enough ice in games? Looks interesting though and something I may well try at some point

11 Jan 2015 Kroen

Well, with a 44 card deck, not to mention Jackson and DBS, I believe 12 should be enough. Worst case scenario, if you have 0 ICE after mulligan, you can always Install Jackson>Draw 2>Install ICE and you won't have to discard.

11 Jan 2015 Kroen

But maybe you're right, I'll have to test it. Not sure what to cut in favor of more ICE though. DBS? it works wonders against R&D lock and is an awesome utility/tax regardless. I guess if you wanted to remove the FA aspect of the deck you could go -2 SanSan +2 ICE. What ICE though? NBN don't have many multi-sub ICE. Most notable being Muckracker, but without tag punishment it's not very scary (not to mention BP). Another avenue you could go is -2 SanSan -2 Interns. That way you still have 12 ICE, but your deck is a much tighter at 40 cards.

12 Jan 2015 rotage

Yeah good point about lack of NBN ice with multiple subs, you could take out an Ashigaru and 2 other cards to put in two other pieces of ice, but there is not many ICE with multiple subs for 1 or 2 influence, possibly an Archer and maybe a Rototurret? I'll give this deck a try tonight in OCTGN in it's current form and see how it goes

12 Jan 2015 Kroen

What about Errand Boy?

12 Jan 2015 rotage

Good shout, would work well with Daily Business Show, but I suspect the runner would let it fire rather than paying 6 credits (assuming no Switchblade) so although it would benefit the running it wouldn't tax the runner in anyway which is something I always like to try to do

12 Jan 2015 Kroen

Personally I'll be sticking with Ashigaru. I like that it benefits both from Midway and the ID. Some icebreaker comparison:

  1. Corroder: 14
  2. Femme: 6
  3. Lady: 1+3 power counters

The only cheap solution to it is Morningstar, and no one plays it.

12 Jan 2015 Kroen

Oh, forgot:

4.Atman: 12

Anyway I'll be waiting to here your report.

15 Jan 2015 Pinkwarrior

@Kroen Lady would actually cost an extra credit for each counter used, Also another cheap solution is to parasite them down.

But i have tried this idea my self though with more Ice and it's really taxing when down i ran the more usual Fast advance NBN deck but with Grail ICE and 2 Midway Station Grid's and it did very well in fact i don't think it lost a game

I was only running Daily Business Show mind as a replacement for Jackson Howard as he was in my main deck but they are amazing if left and do win games.

16 Jan 2015 rotage

I tried the deck, was against Whizzard which meant using the assets was tricky as I didn't have enough ice to ice them up. I did find the lack of ice a problem particularly ETR run ice as I couldn't stop the runner in then end. I might take out the shipment from san san for some more ice and try it again

17 Jan 2015 Kroen

Yep, had similar results, although against Leela.