Noise Getting Out of Hand

e1337pete 89

If you take a look at my decklists, you see I'm a pretty dedicated Noise player. I've dabbled in other Anarchs but I mostly stick with Noise. In other factions, I really liked an Katman deck I had shortly after Creation and Control came out. One of my favorite things about that deck is how it rewarded you for running. With Datasuckers, Desperado, John Masanori and the ease of getting in with Atman and Self-Modifying code, it was so efficient. I've also really wanted to make a deck where Hemorrhage worked. I was underwhelmed when I first saw it and unimpressed when I tested it. But I knew there was something good there.

With this in mind, I started making this deck. It's gone through a few revisions (mostly in the influence, but it was originally a Whizzard deck) but I'm pretty happy where it is now. With at least two Hemorrhages in play, the deck starts ripping apart the corps hand. They'll try to lock you out. The Knights get you in. They try to draw cards to fix the problem, Gorman Drip v1 gives you credits. John Masanori gets you cards. Security Testing gets you credits. Imp and Keyhole destroy other corp cards. The goal is to keep running.

I never used to use Djinn's tutor ability, but the faster you get out 2-3 Hemorrhages the better. Getting those Datasuckers out is just icing on the cake.

I'd say the deck does very well against all the popular Archtypes right now. Anything that requires a combo (Cerebral Imaging or Scorch Decks) won't be able to hold onto the pieces. Fast Advance decks have to choose between their Agendas or their FA pieces (almost always choosing the FA pieces, leaving their hand full of agendas). I've found the hardest deck to play against is Replicating Perfection as they will make you waste a lot of clicks.

Overall, I'd say I was surprised by how well this deck performed. It started as more of a joke or "what-if?" type of deck but it's been very successful on OCTGN with many great comments such as:

"Wow, that deck is bull. I couldn't play anything." - HB "That's a real aggressive deck you have there. Didn't expect that from Anarch." - NBN FA "Not my Scorch!" - Weyland

4 Jul 2014 x3r0h0ur

I don't want to knock it without trying it, but I feel like for me, 1 chakana would be more my speed than hostaging for the pieces. That way you can lock down FA into a remote while you get crypsis and knight positioned appropriately.

4 Jul 2014 GammaCodeX

Damn i don't know if i should try this deck instead of the changes ive made to my own (Mac deck)... I really like noise, think he has a lot of potential, but i don't like his usual passive playstyle. This looks right up my alley.

4 Jul 2014 e1337pete

Thanks for the comments guys.

@x3r0h0ur, Chakana was actually in my first version in the deck. It didn't really pull it's weight. I never felt like I wanted to tutor for it and play it. When I did play it, getting in multiple times was a pain and wasn't where I really wanted to spend my runs plus the Corp only had 0-1 card in hand most of the game anyway.

@GammaCodeX, Unfortunately, I still would consider this deck more passive than most other runner decks. It's definitely the most aggressive Noise deck I've played. I'm looking to fix that by mixing up the breakers in the next version, but we'll see how that goes in playtesting.

4 Jul 2014 Zethios

Just one Inside Job,one Quality time, and two Djinn?

The Deck isn't fun to play against, Hemorrhage and the Mill kill the cards you need to win, so you end up 'flooding' agendas. If you leave open unprotected servers you get Security Testing and John Masanori with Hemorrhage.

The deck, like most anarch decks, is weak to stronger ice that is tough to parasite and out yog/mimic range.

4 Jul 2014 e1337pete

@Zethios, The influence a little while was 2 Desperados and 3 Self-Modifying Codes (SMC). Inside Job got added in place of the SMCs because the two memory was killing me in most games when I couldn't find the Desperados. One Inside Job was taken out for the Gorman Drips v1 which have proven their worth time and again in recent games. The lack of John Masanori showing up early in some games had been a real killer for my tempo, so I wanted to add a Hostage in. That took out another Inside Job. It left me with one influence, and 1 Quality Time seemed like a good use for it.

I've thought about a 3rd Djinn a few times. I still haven't gotten around to testing a version of the deck that has it, though.

Like you said, Glacier decks are really hard to beat with this deck. Glacier HB is easier as they'll sometimes leave an Eve or Adonis out unprotected to get back the counters you need. Glacier Weyland though is another beast. Rush Decks can be rough too if you get a seriously unlucky draw.

12 Jul 2014 lemonwood

Oh just the kind of deck I was looking for, I really love Hemorrhage but never really got it to work. not sure If I want to do Keyhole too but I guess it good for Jinteki R&D. And also a anarch that doesn't use AS, I love that.

Also If you updated since you play it, did you change anything since you posted it?

12 Jul 2014 lemonwood

Oh just the kind of deck I was looking for, I really love Hemorrhage but never really got it to work. not sure If I want to do Keyhole too but I guess it good for Jinteki R&D. And also a anarch that doesn't use AS, I love that.

Also If you updated since you play it, did you change anything since you posted it?

12 Jul 2014 e1337pete

@lemonwood Keyhole certainly isn't required. Originally, it was 1x Medium, 1x Nerve Agent. I found that I never really needed the Nerve Agent if things went according to plan as the Hemorrages would take out all the cards except 1-2, and then you can just pick up the agendas. I toyed around for a bit with 2x Medium and squeezing a Demo Run in there but unlike other Noise decks I've had, it just seemed tacked on and made the deck feel unfocused. Like you said, Keyhole is also ridiculously strong against Jinteki.

As I've said on other forums countless times, I hate the obsession with Account Siphon everyone has. Yeah, I get it, it's good. Obvious 3x in almost all Criminal decks. But I don't get the desire to squeeze them into every faction.

I'm still being pretty successful against randoms on OCTGN.

In my playgroup (of 3 mainly), that's a different story. They've learned how to beat it (keep the runner out of everywhere or make it so costly it isn't worth 2 hemorrage tokens). Because of that, the need to parasite grew. So I kicked out all the event influence and threw in 3x Clone Chip.

The main drawback now is if you don't get John Masanori early, it's going to really slow you down. However, I don't recommend mulliganing for him, you just have to learn when you have time to draw. I'm debating putting a third copy in to ensure I draw him, but I really dislike dead draws so I'm pretty against it at this point.