Hanzo's Heinous Hops House, Hiro's Hangout

slobad31 584

Inspired by "Hanzo's Brainchips," I'm trying to capitalize on typical Jinteki shenanigans with brain damage on the table. I added an extra Scorched, thinking that the runner would be more inclined to let Cerebral Cast tag them in the late game. Obviously, the typical BioTech plan is to go with the Brewery, where the runner can drink themselves into a brain-dead stupor. If they're lucky, they might even meet Chairman Hiro, not that they'll remember it. Comments and suggestions welcomed!

28 Jan 2016 GrantZilla1979

So...Defective Brainchips up from a prior turn - Mushin out Tori Hanzō (lol) and install Hokusai Grid in that same server?

That sounds like "pay 7 to laugh hysterically once"

28 Jan 2016 slobad31

I suppose that's one way to do it haha

28 Jan 2016 slobad31

Originally, Hokusai was Marcus Batty, but I didn't have enough ICE in the end to justify his inclusion