Titan Supermodernism Mk Whatever

Calimsha 2837

Latest version of my Titan Supermodernism.

13 Feb 2015 jeibel

How does this fare in an environment rife with anarchs with eater , keyhole and cutlery ? Most of your ice except archer and wormhole is cheap for Eater, Snare do not trigger if gets hit by Keyhole or Wanton Destruct or Singularity. Wormhole is free if they destroy an ice before or after it and do not run the other central. Midseaseason can be dodged with Siphons. You have no Crisiums.

I ask all of this not as criticism, but because you are known to be an excellent player, who made carefully honed decks. These are the main threats featured by the Maxx deck that is being played all over. you obviously know how to face them and must think this deck is equipped to win against it and against your version of Kate, which is the nemesis of all Scorched Weyland as Lucky Finds keep her rich and Lady waltz around. What's your plan ?

Oh, is Mark Yale worth it without FirmWare shenanigans ?

13 Feb 2015 Calimsha

U think those MaxX deck are at best a fad who will disappear as fast as they came. Nobody in my gaming group (both irl and on octgn) feels this kind of deck can be hosed with just correct play in any tier 1 Corp deck (which means Fastrobiotic, RP, Blue Sun glacier and HBFA/Rush). To add on this topic, I played a SC last Sunday and there wasn't a single MaxX/Keyhole/Cutlery deck because pretty much everyone came to the same conclusion (we got a really competitive and healthy ANR scene here in Belgium).

With that in mind I don't think any tier 1.5/2 deck (which this archetype obviously is) should focus on countering a weak runner deck.

17 Feb 2015 cranked

Have you considered Executive Boot Camp? I've been playing a lot of Titan FA with Trick of Light, and I've found that my economy really takes off when I can find and keep a Mark Yale on the table, and having a way to tutor for him could be great. It would also let you hose any Valencia Blackmail shenanigans.