Titan Supermodernism v3

Calimsha 2837

7 Feb 2015 chrispedersen


Run 3x EBC. Pull snare into hand when they run hq. That way you need only 1 snare, and you can get an odd credit as well. Kitsune will serve you well.

Playing with wormhole, chum becomes a great ice to stick on an empty remote. (no other ice even!) Rez with ebc.

8 Feb 2015 hi_impact

Piloted this to 2nd seed SC before I had to leave early. While Anonymous Tip is a good card and its purpose is clear, Jackson is superior in Titan. He's another unadvanced remote threat (important) and has a far greater use vs Keyhole decks than a sloppy tempo throwback to a deck tuned against a old meta.

Sweeps is a great include, and I greatly needed the x2 Wraparounds in every match I played. Doesn't seem worth it to me yet.