Titan 3rd seed 5th overall SVK Nats

Michael2.0 16

A lot of people have been asking about this deck, following the SVK/CZE and NL Nats. Goal of the deck is to rush to 3 points, after which your combo is online as soon as the runner runs. Atlas counters are to find your pieces, overscoring an atlas is almost a guaranteed win.

Games usually start by making money, and threatening the kill. If you have a Hostile Takeover in hand: score it ASAP. Most people are too afraid of archer, so will build up before facechecking your weyland ice. If they do: Caduceus and Shadow are hefty tax for any runner atm. Spiderweb taxes lady and faust (the 2 most common matchups).

There are 3 ways to victory: flatline, combo into Vanity Project, or score out hard while threatening a kill. If they're too afraid to run, fetch another atlas and advance it once. 2 counters could finish this game in fast order.

Overall this deck went 4-2 in the NL swiss (losing to my friend and co-deckbuilder once, and one misplay against noise), while SoS kept me out of the cut. It went 4-2 again in the SVK swiss (loss against 2 Noises). It beat Leela in the top, and lost to a kate who was a very close friend of mine (and didn't have to fear archer etc...). The Noise match-up is pretty poor, but can still be okay. Kate is primarily an economy game, where an early scored atlas makes all the difference in the world.

Shoutout to "Amavric", whose deck this is based upon. Elodius: Imperial Assault is ready. Ronzacapa: I'll beat you next time. Thanks to all the Belgian Netrunners, who lightened up both Slovenia and Slovakia!

22 Sep 2015 Lubo_Boda

hi Michael. The second loss was against Quetzal, not Noise. Otherwise... cool deck! You actually took me by surprise since I did not see any Diagnistics or Shipment before your combo attempt. Hmmm... and as I see the decklist now, it is quite surprising how low your ice number is.

22 Sep 2015 Michael2.0

Hey Lubo, sorry you were right. I just remembered being under faust RND lock so assumed Noise, sorry!! :D I did not ever feel like I needed more ice though, and even consider cutting the lotus field. 1 of them does not stop the ice destruction eater/faust RnD lock, so it doesn't do much for me.

The cat is out of the bag now though, so I'll have to try something else.