Orange Kate - First place Game Empire league tournament

frizz 54

I took this deck to a league tournament at Game Empire on April 8th, 2015. It went undefeated in 3 rounds. Because The Valley had just come out and I hadn't had enough time to test decks against a variety of corp deck, I wanted to bring a versatile deck; and because Clot had just come out with The Valley, I expected corps to glacier up a bit.

Although this deck sets up pretty fast, it does have a weakness to meat-based flatline threats. Because of this I was forced to play somewhat more cautiously by maintaining a healthy economic advantage and being extra wary of High-Risk Investment.

Femme Fatale and D4v1d were champs versus IT Department and the two other glacier decks I saw. The Maker's Eye combined with the great setup speed of this deck did enough to keep FA from getting off the ground; I didn't really find that not having Clot was a problem.