Dinomite v2 (1st, Auckland Vagabond Store Championship)

Fjord 1798

This is an updated version of my Chronos Protocol winning decklist Dinomite. This was a smaller tournament (10 players) but there was quality competition and the deck performed well, dropping only one game. For a more detailed analysis of the deck check the original list. Here I’ll just cover the changes to the deck and how they performed on the day.

Honor and Profit

  • +1 Planned Assault
  • +1 Legwork
  • -1 Account Siphon
  • -1 The Personal Touch

These are the updates I recommend with the new Honor and Profit cards. Even going down to one copy of Account Siphon the deck will be able to play it just about as frequently thanks to three Same Old Thing and Planned Assault. It turned out that Legwork was my most frequent Planned Assault and Same Old Thing target. I ended up playing it in every game of the tournament.

In my first game against Cerebral Imaging I put on some early pressure to force him to rez ice and then landed an Account Siphon for the last of his credits. He was forced to click for credits and discard most of his hand, down to three cards. I then followed up with Planned Assault – Legwork to access everything in HQ, grabbing an NAPD Contract and then when I was surprised there weren’t more agendas, another NAPD Contract from the archives to win that turn. Think about how good Legwork was there. I knew there should be multiple agendas and probably would have run HQ four or five times looking for them, not that I could have gotten past his ice that many times before he stabilized.

Second game was another Cerebral Imaging deck. I punished her first turn Blue Level Clearance by grabbing 6 points off R&D with Indexing. I was looking to close it out with another Indexing and saw three agendas but wasn’t able to run again because of some surprisingly costly ice (more on that later). I buried the agendas but she was suspicious and managed to draw them all into hand in one turn. Planned Assault – Legwork, miss, Same Old Thing – Legwork, miss. Legwork was still solid here as each HQ run was costing 13 credits which would have been devastatingly expensive for single access. My opponent played it well and a few more expensive fruitless accesses gave me my only runner loss on the day.

Next up was HB: ETF and an opponent I’d never played before. I had no idea what he might be running and a deluxe expansion full of danger had just been released leaving me quite wary. I landed an early Legwork, partly to get an idea of his gameplan. Once again it accessed the entire HQ, trashing Ash, Melange and Red Herring. Worked out well I think, even this deck can’t afford to check every bluff in a HB remote. Same Old Thing – Legwork a few turns later but he saw it coming and countered me beautifully, Hudson 1.0 on HQ!

The Legwork in my final match against TWIY* was definitely the best of the day. My opponent had won several tournaments with Biotic Labour TWIY* but something was fishy about the Data Raven on HQ. I Modded out a Plascrete and had my suspicions confirmed when Legwork revealed Scorched Earth… and scored 5 points! It’s no surprise that a turn 3 or 4 Legwork works out consistently well. The usual Corp start will be to use say 5 of their first 10 cards to get a bit of economy and ice on their centrals. Remember there is an average of 0.4 agenda points per card they draw so after they play out their initial cards you’d expect 4 points to be in their HQ. It’s a great time to run, the problem is that their HQ will be iced and runners (and corps) know that you can throw the game away by doing repeated mildly taxing fruitless HQ runs instead of setting up a rig. Legwork is worth four or even five HQ runs making cost of breaking the ice negligible and you can immediately get back to rig building instead of wondering what else might be there.


  • +1 Same Old Thing
  • -1 The Personal Touch

Here are a couple tuning changes to the engine I’d also generally recommend. Same Old Thing is a solid card in many decks for recurring Account Siphon, Indexing or Legwork, but when I started consistently using it for Test Run and Scavenge I realized you can’t have too many copies in the deck. The Personal Touch are now all gone, the Dinosaurus is enough. If 7 strength isn’t sufficient for your Morning Star then 8 probably won’t be either. The Personal Touch on Femme Fatale is great but now that she’s almost completely taken over the Dinosaurus you shouldn’t miss them too much. If your meta is very heavy HB consider keeping The Personal Touch.

Corroder Variant

  • -1 Morning Star
  • +1 Corroder
  • +2 Self-modifying Code
  • -2 Quality Time
  • -1 Modded

These adjustments added consistency to the deck but at the cost of raw power. I’d consider this a variant rather than a strict improvement. It changes the deck’s strengths and weaknesses quite a bit. Your NBN and Jinteki matchups improve slightly with more speed and consistency. Taxing HB is certainly more difficult with a weaker rig. Against Weyland the deck is now much more vulnerable to Power Shutdown but can help Femme with giant barriers.

I knew two competitive players in our meta were experimenting with Weyland decks that had Hadrian’s Wall, one even had Curtain Wall with Oversight AI. You simply can’t get Morning Star over those, even if you bring it to 9 strength they can simply advance the ice. I was already keen to switch to Corroder for other reasons. Corroder brings Self-modifying code with it which also happens to be a great way to get Magnum Opus early, one of the deck’s major challenges. If SMC could take care of my barrier breaker it would leave Test Run/Scavenge for Femme and Torch. To make room I cut two Quality Time which were put in originally to dig hard for Magnum Opus. Modded is great with Morning Star and Quality Time, less so with SMC, so a copy of that was cut.

Overall I don’t think the switch to Corroder paid off for me in this tournament due to the amount of HB I faced. In the game I lost, after scoring 6 points with the turn 1 Indexing I sat back and prepared. I knew taxing myself for single accesses could let her back in the game and had seen a Rototurret with the Indexing. I needed to be able to deal with that and probably one of the four Ichi in her deck. I had Femme on a Dinosaurus, SMC, Indexing and ~23 credits prepared a few turns later. Ichi 1.0 (3 credits with Femme), Rototurret (2 credits with Femme) and a full strength Hive (4 to SMC Corroder, 6 to break). Unfortunately I had Femmed one of the Sentries so it didn’t save me any credits. A bit of a miscalculation on my part and I couldn’t afford to run it again that turn. After she got the three agendas in hand without giving me an opening my two Legwork runs had to get through Eli 1.0, Eli 1.0 (Femmed), Eli 1.0, Viktor 2.0. Morning Star would have dropped the cost of running HQ from 13 to 6 and of running R&D from 11 to 6. It was a bit of a worst case scenario but Eli 1.0 is currently one of the most popular pieces of ice in the game so it wouldn’t be uncommon. If it were just Morning Star vs Corroder I’d certainly take Morning Star but SMC is a great card and I think I’ll stick with these changes.


  • +1 Deus Ex
  • -1 Stimhack

There are many ways to die in Honour and Profit and Jinteki is on the rise. With the addition of SMC I also brought in a single Deus Ex for a little safety. Note it can also break Heimdalls to soften the switch to Corroder. I didn’t end up drawing it or fetching with SMC in any of my games. I also ran out of MU for the first time. In the final match I had to give up Femme to get my SMC down and grab Corroder for the game winning run. With Magnum Opus it might be a little tight on MU keeping a Deus Ex out, particularly since Inazuma makes it dangerous not to have your Codegate breaker ready. Feedback Filter is a better call if my meta turns hostile.

Stimhack also came out of the deck, brain damage didn’t seem like the best idea going into murky waters.

Spare Influence

  • +1 Inside Job

That left me three influence for a final card. I think I made a mistake writing off several potential cards at two influence: Vamp, Grappling Hook, Nerve Agent, Parasite, perhaps a second Legwork or Planned Assault. Nordrunner’s Chaos Theory tech was Imp, a card I’m also fond of but there are a few reasons it doesn’t work as well in this deck: Indexing instead of Maker’s Eye, no Clone Chip, Magnum Opus means less spare MU and is itself already a great answer to high trash costs. Then I saw Circadia’s 1st place London Regional report where he mentions his CT opponent surprised him with an out of faction Inside Job. It’s certainly a solid card but Femme Fatale is similar which diminishes the surprise factor. Still, it’s very easy to think of situations where Inside Job is great. I think the problem is in reality I would very rarely grab it with Planned Assault or Same Old Thing which makes it hard to justify at 3 influence. Inside Job did snag me an agenda early on in one game when I didn’t have Test Run or SMC in hand but it never felt required. I suspect future testing might see this slot go to Legwork which has performed so well.

Great games at the tournament. My corp loss came to another Chaos Theory with Test Run/Scavenge that made some very clever adjustments to run 3 Oracle May, blind, with over 30 events. Less consistent (no Same Old Thing, event economy instead of Magnum Opus) and a bit dangerous (no Plascrete Carapace) but, when it works, as it did against me, the gain in speed is incredible.

I'll check in to answer any questions anyone might have, thanks for reading.

19 May 2014 Sandor

Great deck i'm running a similar deck tell me what do you think of my idea:

Chaos Theory Wünderkind 15 influence spent (max 15) ••••••••••••••• 42 cards (min 40) Cards up to Honor and Profit

Event (23) 2x Account Siphon ••••• ••• 2x Diesel 2x Indexing 1x Legwork •• 2x Levy AR Lab Access 3x Quality Time 1x Retrieval Run •• 3x Scavenge 1x Stimhack • 3x Sure Gamble 3x Test Run Hardware (5) 2x Dinosaurus 1x Feedback Filter 1x Plascrete Carapace 1x R&D Interface Resource (7) 2x Kati Jones 2x Public Sympathy 3x Same Old Thing Icebreaker (4) 1x Battering Ram 2x Femme Fatale •• 1x Torch Program (3) 3x Magnum Opus

19 May 2014 Fjord

Thanks Sandor, let's take a look.

I'd probably drop the Kati and Public Sympathy, half the time I run tagged.

I rank Diesel above Quality Time. Quality time still good of course but they would be my 4th and 5th Diesels.

Thought about Retrieval Run a few times but it only ends up marginally ahead of Modded, not worth the potentially awkward set up and influence in my opinion.

Get it down to 40 cards, Chaos Theory's smaller minimum is a huge benefit.

Have you ever needed two Levy AR Lab Access? I agree with the theory that one might be required. If your games are going that long try adding another Indexing.

19 May 2014 Sandor

Thanks Fjord for answering. I will explain you something about my deck: I don't want to drop kati because it happens sometime that i can't see test run for femme fatale so i discard femme on archives and i will scavenge magnum opus to install femme down to 4 creds only better than modded :) so if i don't have magnum opus i will continue doing credits for the economy battle. Public simpathy is there for more than one reason: 1. give me protection against not only meat damage but also net damage. 2. increase hand size it means i can draw whatever i want without discarding. 3. it protects also vs brain damage (hb) and reduce the strenght of bioroid ices. Often i can break etr subs ices get 1 brain damage from heimdall and pay four credits and steal napd. 4. if im tagged and i get public simpathy trashed it's ok. corp spends click and credits to trash my resources and it distracts the corp from focusing more on his defense. Retrieval run is there just in case i can't find test run or scavenge then i can install for free femme or torch. About the 40 cards you're absolutely right. i'm gonna cut some quality time off. about levy ar i want 2 to leave same old thing worth for something else. just in case levy ar get trashed by meat or net damage. waiting your answer thanks a lot for your help i really appreciate it. :)

19 May 2014 Sandor

im thinking also about removing inside job and installing a sneakdoorbeta i can still scavenge or remove magnum opus eventually and force the corp to focus defense also on archives.

19 May 2014 Fjord

In most games I'll just straight up play one of my breakers. In your scenario you have to overdraw, wait a turn, then sacrifice Magnum Opus to Scavenge. I would just click for 6 credits and save the Scavenge for re-targeting the Femme. Actually I'd probably click for even more credits so that I could launch a surprise run event with the Femme. There we go, Magnum Opus saved so you don't need Kati. Sometimes you need a bit of economy to tide you over until Magnum Opus but Kati is probably slower than what you want.

Public Sympathy is great for preventing the net damage flatline, passable for resisting a meat damage flatline and would be great against a brain damage flatline if it existed. I went headfirst into a cleverly advanced Cerebral Overwriter during the tournament but it didn't affect the game very much. It would have been a different story if he had been able to score his Sentinel Defence Force but I could have adjusted my play accordingly in that case, I would disagree that it's ok if the corp trashes Public Sympathy. They're the ones best able to value the card, it doesn't really matter what you paid for it. If they're trying to kill you they'd probably pay 8 to trash it. If they aren't, they might not even think it's worth the click. Anyway, decent card but one of the big advantages to Magnum Opus is a resource free economy that doesn't mind tags.

I have never had to use Same Old Thing for Levy AR Lab Access so I wouldn't worry about it too much. Hmm you've got me thinking about if I need them at all. How many times is Levy allowed to be a horrible Quality Time before it demonstrates that it can prevent me from losing once? Unlike many other decks you don't need to keep drawing for economy and events once you have your rig out.

Sneakdoor Beta was a serious consideration. There's the obvious MU issue but as a short term program it might be OK. The problem is this rig is really all about Femme. The other breakers come out to lend a hand later but Femme will break or bypass the majority of ice in any given game. Normally with a Sneakdoor Beta they're forced to commit ice to archives until it's not a discount HQ run. But Femme applies her the discount to a single server. If you've taken the cost of a HQ run from 5 credits to 3 with Femme then they only really need to make their archives cost 3 in response to Sneakdoor. This isn't a criminal deck that hits you everywhere. It's more of a deck that could hit you anywhere.

20 May 2014 Chron

Really nice write-up, especially in conjunction with the original. Appreciate the incredibly in-depth analysis!

I was at the same tournament (Paul), though unfortunately we didn't get to play each other. Hopefully next time! I ran a surprisingly similar Magnum Opus-based CT deck (http://netrunnerdb.com/en/decklist/5708/magnum-ct-vagabond-2014-05-18) with significantly less success, which I'm now convinced I probably just don't know how to play!

Luckily my corp deck was able to carry me through the day :>

Thanks again!

29 May 2014 tgtoland

So I played this deck tonight and net damage is a real pain in the ass. Went up against a PE deck with house of knives and Hokusai grid. I couldn't do anything. Even stealing agendas killed my tempo every turn that I did it. Was it poor play or do you think net shield might be a good one-of to include in here?

30 May 2014 Fjord

I haven't faced a new tuned up personal evolution yet, I could see how it might be fairly disruptive. Many things in Jinteki aren't quite as scary as they seem though. I'll often run remotes and don't mind at all if I hit a Snare! Remember they had to draw, install and pay 4. Up to 6 clicks for them if they've been reduced to clicking for credits, which they often are after I siphon and trash their asset economy. If I've got a plascrete I won't even remove the tag so it's only 3 clicks for me to draw back up. The exchange is even better for you when you consider that you drew 5 cards, played a few of the best, chucked the others to net damage and drew up again.

Let cards get trashed from your hand like it was their job. For example, don't play a Sure Gamble once you have Opus out. Slow down against Jinteki, they aren't going anywhere as they are the least able to rapidly score agendas. Take a turn for an extra 8 credits so you're never short to trash Hokusai, play the Psi game or steal Fetal AI.

I've actually got Feedback Filter (Levy AR comes out) in my latest build. Powered by Magnum Opus you should be almost impossible to flatline when you get it out.

9 Jun 2014 djackman


I top 16ed at the ~70 person Louisville regionals with a version of your list:


10 Jun 2014 Fjord

Nice work Sir. Did you ever find that you had already pulled the targets out of your deck by the time you drew the second Planned Assault? I agree with dropping Levy, unlike PPVP Shaper you don't have to keep drawing once you have your rig. How about Cyber Cypher instead of Zu?

10 Jun 2014 djackman

Cypher might make more sense than zu - agree with you there.

2x planned assault was perfect. It makes your opening draw that much more deadly, and activates your same old things earlier. You've got so many targets in your deck, i dont think that would be an issue. Every time i drew a planned assault I was happy - it was never a dead card.