Constantinople Station (4-0, 1st @ random Dundee GNK)

Zylus 90

This is a really fun econ denial deck that I brought to the July Dundee GNK organised by the fantastic @RoseKolodny , which I gather was the 3rd largest (smallest) in-person UK tournament on that specific day at 7 players 😤😤

The basic play pattern is that you can keep the tempo up by installing economic assets on a Tranquility Grid in the remote without the Runner being able to contest it while your ID is flipped. Use Crisium Grid and Transport Monopoly to stop the Runner from flipping your ID back or deny them other important on success triggers such as Dirty Laundry or Cataloguer.

It's definitely nowhere near a tier 1 competitive deck but I think it can hold its own in more casual events - being able to deny successful runs is great in general and the 6 credit tax from Earth Station is fantastic against the flood of Trick Shot, since you cannot pay the tax with Trick Shot money and so its efficiency drastic go down.

I made a couple of changes based on the expected meta, such as going up to 3 SDS Drone Deployments despite it being 21 points because I thought I'd see a lot of Spark Kit and maybe the odd Crim without recursion (the former did come true, the latter did not).

The ice suite can definitely be improved, it originally included quite a lot of advancable ice due to Wall to Walls in the deck, which I had since cut. The only ones I would definitely keep are Winchester, Afshar, Border Control and Endless Eula (incredible tax against everything that isn't Cleaver, chance for a very funny Bankhar kill), though Descent is also quite effective in a trojan-heavy meta.

I should also note that I never actually scored out, half of my wins were timed and the other half were concessions where my opponent wanted enough time for a proper second game (this deck is sloooow). I don't know if that speaks for the deck.

My Runner deck was rubenpieters' Deep Dive Lat which also did really well, I chose this partially because Shaper Good and it's pretty straightforward to play, and partially because Lat does well against Punitive Counterstrike which I knew would be present (3 of my 4 opponents ran it, so that worked out well!)

Overall, this was a great event, and if you're in or near Scotland I highly encourage checking out the Dundee meta at some point :D