
  • Can give economic advantage to the runner due to burst credit nature
  • With planning this card can sustain a deck after the expensive runs


  • It requires a pool of 5 credits be kept free to allow play. This doesn’t happen in games against really taxing Corp decks
  • There are cheaper burst credit cards out there now (e.g. Lucky Find)


  • works really well in most decks
  • works well with other burst economy cards, e.g. Easy Mark, Lucky Find
  • works well as the single burst economy card with drip feed cards, e.g. Daily Casts

Final Thoughts

  • Sure Gamble used to be an auto-include in every runner deck. These days, though, there are so many economic models out there that it no longer holds that glorified spot of “auto-include”.
  • Sure Gamble is a fantastic card and provide extremely strong economic turn-around for the runner if it is played at the right time. This card can turn the tide of a game.
I am often finding it undesirable in Shaper decks (obviously PPVP Kate excluded). —

Card Name: BlacKat

Pronounced: Black Cat


  • Can be treated as if it were a fixed strength breaker (akin to Mimic or Yog.0) utilising Data Sucker tokens to pull barriers into range
  • Run in a Stealth deck this is an incredibly powerful breaker. It’s got an economic gain over Corroder when running into ICE like Eli (3 credit spend vs 4 credit spend)


  • It’s a really expensive breaker if you aren’t running stealth.
  • It costs 2 credits more than Corroder to install
  • It has a stiff influence cost of 3


  • When used in Stealth decks, because of the stealth credit recurrence, this breaker has huge economic advantage over other fracters
  • When played out of Kate it becomes far more affordable to install making it a 3 credit for 3 strength breaker
  • Like all stealth cards BlacKat benefits from the use of Ghost Runner

Final Thoughts

  • BlacKat has proven to be an incredibly useful breaker. In a Kate stealth deck it is one of the most useful fracters out there, being more efficient than even Corroder when running into ICE with more than one sub-routine and strength 4 or 5, e.g. Eli, Wall of Thorns, Ashigaru (spend 2 stealth credits to punch through 6 EtR sub-routines, try that with Corroder). This breaker (properly supported) has the ability to make light work of mid-strength Barrier ICE, but is also no more costly for high strength Barrier ICE than Corroder.
  • The use of BlacKat as a fix strength breaker seems to be a bit of a waste of the great ability it brings to the board. Personally it would not be my choice to use it in this fashion, however, I can see in some decks the stealth support is more costly in influence than the decks can achieve, e.g. non-shaper decks may not be able to support the influence cost for full Stealth rigs due to no in-faction tutoring availability.
I think it's pronounced BlacKAt. This is a reference to black hats, which are the "evil" side of the hackers (unlike white hats). The fact that BlacKat is an anarch card strengthens this idea. —