Welcome to the new HB dream: scored Self-Destruct chips, player hits a Gyri Labyrinth, and end of turn you rez Chairman Hiro for the win.
As anyone who's played a brain damage deck knows, getting brain damage to stick, especially enough to win, is hard. Most existing builds I know of that work try and land a chunk of BD (via edge of world, overwriter) and then rely on something like Neural EMP / Ronin / Junebug / Counterstrike to finish the job. I don't see that strategy changing, but this ID promises to make it even easier to set up that BD->kill threat, a strat supported by the new HB agenda (Self-Destruct Chips) and complimented by Ryon Knight (who dissuades running last click, which is when you need to run if you have to draw 3 after taking damage).
That hand size limit will definitely hurt the corp - hand destruction (like Wanton Destruction, Utopia Shard, and Itinerant Protestors) becomes even more potent when you only have four slots to hide agendas, and Legwork has a 3/4 chance of seeing that singleton you've kept there. I see this ID running some sort of agenda-stealing punishment (like Punitive. Midseasons) just to captialize on that fact. Or, they could invest in HQ upgrades. Research Station + Panic button, anyone? :)
One last thing. Anarch gain a lot of powerful tools (Amped Up, Stim Dealer) that give them brain damage in O&C, and Stimhack remains popular. Brain damage decks get better as these BD-inflicting cards again popularity. Then again, if this kind of HB archetype does become successful, expect to see singleton Brain Cages, and maybe even a Public Sympathy or two.