Oversight AI (A Study in Static)

  • The Shadow: Pulling the Strings
    bblum 5136
    Blue Sun: Powering the Future
    beyoken 6110
    Blue Sun: Powering the Future
    Guaina 157
    NEXT Design: Guarding the Net
    Blue Sun: Powering the Future
    mawa 449
    Blue Sun: Powering the Future
    Blue Sun: Powering the Future
    The Foundry: Refining the Process
    Putty 158
    Blue Sun: Powering the Future
    Blue Sun: Powering the Future
    BTrain 2971
    The Shadow: Pulling the Strings
    Blue Sun: Powering the Future
    The Foundry: Refining the Process
    Him 289
    Blue Sun: Powering the Future
    rotage 2963
    2019 Nationals
    Weyland Consortium: Building a Better World
    x3r0h0ur 8970
    Weyland Consortium: Because We Built It
    Blue Sun: Powering the Future
    2019 Regionals
    Blue Sun: Powering the Future
    Blue Sun: Powering the Future
    2017 Store Champs
    Blue Sun: Powering the Future
    2019 Regionals
    Blue Sun: Powering the Future
    Blue Sun: Powering the Future
    ZomB 88
    NEXT Design: Guarding the Net
    x3r0h0ur 8970
    Blue Sun: Powering the Future
    Decksmith 246
    Blue Sun: Powering the Future