off the blue sun v1.1

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Guaina 157

4 Mar 2015 DarlingSensei

I have run a very similar deck for some time. A few thoughts. -Architect is not at its best in Weyland. They usually have the killer for fear of destroyers, so it tends to be hard to land. It's also a bit too porous and not nearly taxing enough.

Hive tends to be very weak in a deck with all 3's. The first one is great, the second one is pretty much a Wall of Static.

The Punitive Counterstrike plan is awesome but I find it works best with a full 3 copies and 1-2 archived memories. Government Takeover makes it even stronger if you're willing to run such an agenda.

4 Mar 2015 Guaina

Gorvenment takeover is too risky and opens up only 1 space in the deck so it's not worth it. Architect helps me setting up my regions/install free ice/reuse the refinery or the privates in case they get trashed. Hive gets weak later in the game but i can bounce it back and regain the cost . it's an early game tax after that i'm just gonna discard it if i overdraw, i'd switch it for some decent sentry ices but all the weyland option sucks (errand boy is decent but i want something that stops the runner, caduceus has traces and i hate them)

5 Mar 2015 x3r0h0ur

I would recommend going with priority req, due to the big ice, and how your turns will play out.

On the turn you want to score, install otg, install agenda, something. Then adv, adv, install new big ice to pri-req, then triple adv score. Or any combination thereof, however you should almost always have a click hanging unless you're rezzing just to protect otg, which opens you up to shutdown/parasucker/cutlery death.

5 Mar 2015 SlayerCNV

why not a good trap like Aggressive Secretary ? It opens up new scoring windows...

5 Mar 2015 Guaina

i triedp riority requisition andi found out that high risk investment ang governments contracts net me more money than rezzing a single piece fo ice so. Aggressive secretary would be a nice addition but i have no spare influence: the archived are really good in case i need to get back assets or operations (most of the times i kill the runner with punitive-> archived-> punitive). i usually try and fool the runner with a refinery but i find out that no1 wants to run for a possible agenda on a server that costs 40+credits

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