HBFA with a Twist

urbanfractal 84

Spoiler alert: Archer is the twist. It's a costy one so use them wisely

Your basic FA with the aid of SanSan through The Future is Now, Team Sponsorship and recurring Biotic Labors if the economy works out.

6 Apr 2016 tzeentchling

Seems odd to have so many 3/1s. I'd rather use Project Virtuvius. If you really want to keep the cheap agendas for Archer fodder, you could add in Domestic Sleepers (since you can drop so many of the 3/1s and gain an influence from a GFI if you want).

9 Apr 2016 urbanfractal

The plan is to fast advance the Accelerated Beta Test 3 times and then just score out another 3/1 with Biotic Labor. The deck this one derived from uses Domestic Sleepers, just tried a build more to my playstyle. It half-works...