Kate doesn't need a prepaid VoicePAD

mauroinmorales 1

Based on Sunny's Cloud Icebreakers, gain the benefit of Underworld Contact and Data Folding to gain a steady economy, and don't punish your influence with prepaid voicePAD. Many tutoring and some R&D-dedicated run effects.

15 Mar 2016 Hapless Hero

ZU.13 Key Master is a very nice card, a WAY better one than GS Striker M1. There's your third Lucky Find!

15 Mar 2016 mauroinmorales

It's a good idea, but spending an avegrage of only 6 credits per code gate seems much more convenient with a sustained economy (practically all the resources in the deck) rather than spending a lot more credits to achieve this same effect with ZU.13 Key Master.

15 Mar 2016 Hapless Hero

Hm. Zu is 1 to install, Striker 4. Influence is of course less.

Zu takes 1 to break Quandary, 2 to break Yagura, 3 to break Enigma, 5 to break Turing on remotes or 2 on a central, 5+3 to break Tollbooth, 6 to break Archangel.

Striker costs 2, 2, 4, 6,6+3, and 6 respectively.

Are there any other major code gates you're concerned about in this meta? Basically the only code gate it's actually cheaper to ever play, influence, and use Stiker for is Viper which while a very good card is usually not as popular as the ones above.

15 Mar 2016 mauroinmorales

I'm sold. Out goes Striker!