Odonuvo tries to score instead of flatline and loses to clot

Odonuvo 69

This went 1-2 at the April 7th Montreal CO.

I wanted to take an RPC Beale or No Beale deck to the CO but quickly realized that the Urtica was the limiting my influence to do funner things.

Diogene recommended Tree Line and for the first time since W22 startup (or my first store champ in 2018 for Standard), I entered a tournament with a corp deck that doesn't primarily try to flatline the runner.

The goal is simple:

  • Go full glacier on centrals (hydras are nice)
  • Get money with NGO, government subsidy and whatever else. Also use my reputation to pretend the NGO is an urtica
  • Get 13 counters on an ice -- Use tree line to fast advance either Mestnichestvo or another tree line if you don't draw one
  • Biotic Labor, install beale, RPC, win the funny way with 1 agenda


I would dump Vasilisa for anything else, be it econ or another solid ice. It's never relevant. Either the runner doesn't run or they're running and the ID fires enough to get the combo going.

What actually happened:

tl;dr I had forsaken Jinteki from my deck and I was punished for such heresy.

First corp game went as planned and scored out the Beale

Second corp game lost due to creating an illegal board state. I installed Vasilisa instead of Mestnichestvo, then proceeded to discard the Mestnichestvo from being over hand size and advance the Vasilisa as if it were the right card, never rezzed it, basically had the combo good to go and then realized what I done just before firing when I checked archives.

We played friendlies after and I lost properly.

Third and final corp game I forgot clot existed. I was so smug and said gg before my mandatory. Played the combo and they interrupted with simulchip into SMC into Clot. This deck has no response to that.

8 Apr 2024 Diogene

The Clot story is epic! It has been so long that this card has been seen, I would have also totally forgotten that it existed.

I like the inclusion of Digital Rights Management, really useful!

Thanks for organizing the event, it was great! Cheers!