Reach For the Stars

LumpyElves 1

The new ICE schematics were in from Gagarin. As underpaid programmers thumbed through the data files, Simone Diego flicked around her personal terminal. She was reading through the README for the Constellation Protocol. Diego had worked on everything from building impenetrable Ice Walls to saving Weyland some money by working on a couple contracts personally. Now it was time to work with the ICE that was inspired by space itself.

She finished skimming though the README and pulled up the designs from Gagarin. She could see why Titan and GRNDL had already adopted these designs. They were good.

She could make them better.

So, I wasn't too sure about this deck when I first played it. So I - "Who plays Simone Diego?" you ask before I can finish. "She's low trash - high rezz! It takes two turns before she pays herself off!" You continue.

Let me finish.

Rezzing her early game while being protected by a space ICE means a lot, especially if she's in the same server as NeoTokyo Grid. Constellation Protocol makes this synergy all the better, along with Firmware Updates giving you money on the runner's turn.

4 Apr 2015 Nery

Am I missing something, or is your deck incredibly tag dependant and other than the ID ability you havo no guaranteed tags?

How does that work for you?... Remember the runner can just pay to have the tag taken off, Do you just sit and wait for the runner to make a mistake? 'cause that's not going to pay off.

Also... Holy shiatsu, I just thought of a combo with Dedicated response team, checkpoint and the newly released NBN Ice, Bandwith... it's 5 meat damage on one run

4 Apr 2015 LumpyElves

@Nery in the game I played with it, whenever the runner accessed an agenda, they never took the damage. The psychographics is for when they've carapaced up and I need to score out. I probably will need to fit in some tagging cards, thanks for pointing that out.

6 Apr 2015 Letsaros

Good Runners get the tags when they have another click to remove them and if they can't then they get the meat damage. No sane runner would stay tagged against Argus (unless he happened upon a snare unintentionally). Imo you need more tagging sources.

6 Apr 2015 LumpyElves

@Letsaros yes, I'll probably find some room for a midseasons or a sea source.