Boring MaxX (1st Fresno SC)

Grizzlefluff 207

Went 6-0 in a 20 person tournament. Boring MaxX things. Get money. Run. Put your face on things. Use whatever cards she gives you. Somehow make things work. Hacktivist Meeting is good. Maw might be good, or bad, who knows, but it won games. D4v1d and cutlery is fun. Double Femme Fatale cause mythic ICE is a thing, and I'm tired of the turtle. Used Rebirth exactly twice to Omar once all other options were done. Double Levy cause mills can be mean, and consistency is nice. Jarogniew Mercs because someone in our meta really likes kill CI, and I just wanted to annoy him. Ended up being useful against a Titan deck that I saw Data Ravens and Booms against. Salsette Slums just in case and it came in handy a few times.