Shaper: Stealth Nasir

EnjoiThePureTrip 57

11 Jan 2015 Jashay

BlacKat is only slightly more efficient than Corroder in just about every situation. Switching to the Corroder would save you influence, and negate the need for the DFG, which would save you even more. A third Silencer would work nicely.

11 Jan 2015 EnjoiThePureTrip

@Jashay I actually switched those exact cards after NEXT ICE became popular in my Meta and NEXT Silver became way too hard to deal with using just Corroder. I think your changes are probably better overall, but until I see a drop in NEXT ICE , BlacKat seems worth it.

22 Jan 2015 Phoenix

Surely Parasite is your answer to NEXT Silver? I definitely think Corroder is the right call.