The Sun Will Melt Your ICE

CactusJack 118

Pretty standard Sunny deck. This deck takes a while to get setup, so if speed is your game, look elsewhere. Once setup though, she makes tons of money, and can break through ridiculous amounts of ICE. I've used this deck to break through some 5 or 6 ICE and win the game.

This deck doesn't do well against fast advance, rush decks, or kill decks. If you find yourself encountering this in your local meta, adjust accordingly.

Special Order could be swapped in for Modded, and you could probably swap Technical Writer, Data Folding, and 1 Jak Sinclair for some protection. An additional Security Nexus may be useful, just for a higher chance to get one out. Maybe -1 Overmind for something like Medium to really pressure R&D.