The King in Orange

CodeMarvelous 20021

Long Live the King!

So this a pretty standard Noise with one trope added to put viruses you don't want to Deja back into the deck so you can keep on trucking, it really helps cycle the imps so you can imp agendas instead of accessing to avoid midseason.

Lamprey is a really strong card in Noise, it prevokes purges, and when coupled with ICE destruction it can enable you to keep the corp down while you get set up, reducing the vulnerability of noise in the early game to fast advance.

No sure gambles because honestly you don't need them for noise with cyber feeder, street peddler and aesops pawnshop, everything in the deck is very inexpensive to install and use and I want everything street peddler hits to be something it can install.

Exciting peddler plays: bring out a data sucker from a street peddler mid run with grimoire to give you the datasucker token you need to destroy ice for no credits and get a mill.

Wait till the corp decides not to rez the ICE on RD to bring out Medium with Grimoire and see two cards instead of one.

bait the rez of a komainu or other high cost sentry by bringing mimic out by surprise after they rez, thinking you cant deal with it.

All in all, this deck works even when it doesn't get the draw engine, which says a lot about how far Noise has come since even order and chaos.

Some version of this deck is what I have been playing for the last year and I am going to continue with it until worlds.


14 Aug 2015 Leviathan

Very close to my Noise list I just won a monthly tournament with at my FLGS. My virus toolbox is a little different and lately I've decided to drop 1 Cache for a Film Critic. It kinda hurts to drop the Cache, but after playing against Film Critic a few times that card is SO SICK I feel like it's the runner's Jackson Howard. I feel kind of dumb NOT putting it in a deck.

14 Aug 2015 falseidol

@Leviathan You could always go down to 2 clone chips and play 3x cache, 1x Film Critic, 1x Hades Shard?

14 Aug 2015 falseidol

@CodeMarvelous I definitely like the 1x Trope, I have found that against a lot of the glacier decks, my Noise chews through the whole deck too often, I've definitely been meaning to experiment with a Trope or two. My concern with just 1 would be that getting it too gives the corp a lot of time that your economy is floundering, and I would be adding them expressly to help with my late game. But I'll mess around with your build and see if I can get away with just one!

14 Aug 2015 Thike

This is 100% where I ended up with Noise before I got tired of Anarch variance being the bane of my tournament performance. Looks great.

15 Aug 2015 Badeesh

Agreed with FalseIdol. Finding 2 CC's with the shards just better in lots of ways, give it a whirl.

17 Aug 2015 syntaxbad

I just ran something similar in a casual tournament this weekend (thanks for the inspiration!), though I shaved a clone chip and a pawnshop to fit in 2 Drug Dealer, a Hades Shard and a Film Critic. Drug Dealer was fantastic all day, since it is extra powerful in a deck that can frequently start the turn with 0 credits (he really is the worst drug dealer ever and should probably consider a different line of work, given that he's okay with Noise not paying him 8 weeks in a row and still delivers the drugs every turn :) ). You can stack the timing so that you lose a credit you don't have and then gain your Daily Casts and/or Pawnshop money. Plus, having him in a Pawnshop deck lets you turn him off for a 2 credit profit once you have the WyldType combo up and running. Question regarding Corroder and D4v1d: Are these mostly for specific troublesome ice like wraparound and big stuff? How often do you actually end up running with this deck and do you think it is worth it to have 1 of silver bullets when you can Faust your way in somewhere (albeit inefficiently) when you need to? Would love an experienced player's take.