BlacKat Burglar - The NEXT Big Score!

CodeMarvelous 20021

TFW people won't test things because its already been decided that it is bad alt text

I have learned that this build is very similar to what Sean had done and published here. Check out his tournament winning list: Smoke is Quite Good Isn't She?

So here is the deck I piloted on last night's Codebusting Livestream.

It an edit of my original Smoke deck tuned for the meta that I am seeing RIGHT NOW. with the smaller deck size and the stealth package, the key to smoke is designing the right silver bullets and break package for your most common matchups.

RN in my area people are playing a lot of Grail Palana and NEXT HB. In such a meta BlacKat's ability to break 3 subs for one stealth credit is great. I was finding that as people moved away from high strength low sub ice I was getting taxed out on barriers in the mid to late game.

The culprit was a single NEXT Silver costing me 3-5 or a Galahad costing me 3. BlacKat solves this problem handily.


Salsette Slums Is there because against prison I am never gonna trash everything, but the things I trash I want them gone forever. Against HB getting rid of the breaker bays and Adonis campaigns usually slows them down enough for me to secure the win.

Plascrete Carapace Is in here instead of the New Angeles City Hall package because if I can't win a midseason trace I damn sure am not avoiding tags with NACH. Plascrete buys me the turn to close the game before the boom usually.

Atman is so I don't get slowed down by Mother Goddess rush.

I went to one Astrolabe and one Akamatsu Mem Chip so that my late game rig can be bigger if it needs to be.

Enjoy and give the kitty a chance.

NOTE: I will stop playing BlacKat the second the meta shifts away from NEXT and Grail.

25 Jan 2017 codychilton13

@CodeMarvelous I agree with the meta call changes completely, seems pretty good. I also like the slums, with şifr out I feel like people are gonna go to decks with less ice and more asset/upgrade spam! I'm glad this is working for you!

25 Jan 2017 Grimwalker

I love the gif. Not sure if it's the right call for this weekend's SC, I'm more on Wexham Smoke.

25 Jan 2017 rojazu

Sunnys breakers solve the problem better tbf

25 Jan 2017 PureFlight

@rojazu Sunny's breakers aren't free to use in Smoke :-)

26 Jan 2017 triorph

Neither is blackat

26 Jan 2017 Myriad

I think by use Pureflight means pump?

Paying two real credits vs 1 stealth credit that is part of your ID is a pretty stark difference.

26 Jan 2017 Myriad

err break, not pump.

Hats off for continuing the good fight Code! Smoke is my favorite runner. I am hoping there are a few delicious cards for her in the deluxe.

27 Jan 2017 Fentonizer

Why spend 2inf on an untutorable silver bullet that doesn't really help Shaper's worst match-up (asset spam)?

These could be 2 Scrubber, cutting the Paricia, if you're really that concerned. Then you wouldn't need a 1x Console and a 1x chip for the tight MU, you can just straight up play 2x Astrolabe (which, shocker, gives you a leg up vs asset spam).