Seidr Laboratories - Terminal Directive Sample Campaign Deck

CascadeHush 61

The sample HB decklist from the back of the Terminal Directive instructions.

For those who want to start with the suggested deck and make modifications.

NOTE : Subtract 2x Elective Upgrade

Netrunnerdb doesn't allow publishing of incomplete deck lists. In order to publish, I had to add more agenda points. The suggested deck list is 5 agenda points short to allow for the addition of cards from the first envelope.

I am not recommending this deck for play. It is intended for reference and as a starting point for your own deckbuilding. The decklist was created by Fantasy Flight

I am in the process of posting the other sample decklists from Terminal Directive. Just search for "Terminal Directive Sample Campaign Deck".

30 Apr 2017 hlynurd

This deck can be automatically made better by adding 3 Jackson Howards

30 Apr 2017 fgcsem4n

@hlynurdOf course, but it's about Core set+TD only.

30 Apr 2017 CascadeHush

This is the decklist provided by FFG. I think it's better than the runner decks, which are pretty dreadful. My son played this tonight, and didn't change much, except to swap out the snare for one of the new TD cards. Certainly the amount of ice vs econ seems pretty well balanced.

30 Apr 2017 krystman

Thank you for doing this. Saved my butt.

1 May 2017 LynxMegaCorp

You could always use the Neutral IDs on Netrunnerdb and keep the title for easy reference.

16 May 2017 scd

That wouldn't help anyone actually find the list, which I just did because I searched for Seidr decks not a Neutral ID.

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