Yoshizawa v3.0

RichardLocke 91

Underworld Contacts = Data Folding https://twitter.com/ScottAwesome1/status/530361047686086656/photo/1

21 Nov 2014 Empty_World

You've got Origami,Public Sympathy,and Ekomind,why not use Duggar's?

21 Nov 2014 Jashay

Looks fun! Perhaps you could do with some more multi-access, though; with a hand of a million cards, not even jinteki decks will cause multi-access problems.

23 Nov 2014 RichardLocke

Empty, it was in my first build but I never found myself using it. Earthrise has kept the draw flowing pretty well for me though. Jashay, I've been looking to add Nerve Agent, but not sure what I'd cut.