23 6451 - 7th @ CBI EMEA Pod 2025

koga 3323


That's what I wanted for CBI.

The chance to show that, given the tools to play a "fair" game of Netrunner, I can beat anyone. This is unusual for me, as I often try to figure out the meta and approach tournaments with somewhat cheesy decks that either cook or crash and burn.

Not this time.

I did not win every game on the day, but I did the best I could to get out of bad situations and almost crawled back up into top cut contention despite an 0-2 start that tanked my SoS. I needed the right music to get back into the right mindset and therefore dedicate the deck to it.

The Sable I played at the event is built with the same goal in mind and it's what I've been chasing throughout the entire season starting from Zer0 Steve of Continentals - a pile of blue cards that's smooth enough to get me out of any situation (AgInfusion and B2L aren't real, they can't hurt me).

Back to basics

In the pre-RWR season I played Ob almost exclusively. I brought it to Worlds 2023, Nats and a bunch of other tournaments. It's the only Corp deck I can't really get tired of - it flows like I want my deck to flow, constantly pushing the tempo of the game and every game is a puzzle you can solve with smart tutoring of key pieces depending on the matchup.

During early testing in the RWR meta, it felt really bad to play.

Crew decks felt incredibly bad to play against as almost all ice could be trashed on sight to defuse an early remote, and don't get me started on the Praxis pressure. It took months of meta development, bans and newfound disinterest for pretty much every other Corp to make me go back to this stone cold deck with a non-insignificat amount of tech and desire to include half-memey cards.

People really like Emdom + assets. That's not who I am.

#OaktownGang for life.

Bubbling out

I'm not too sad about missing out on the top cut. Competition is just not what drives me to play. Don't get me wrong, I wanna do well and smack people up, but it's just not where my energy is going.

Honestly though, seeing all 3 6th places being filled with teammates is a little wild. I'm a bit of a lone wolf when it comes to Netrunner, but I have a ton of respect and love for each and every one of them. I don't think I'm able to give them as much as they give me, but I really wanna see them perform and be respected as fierce players, not just by the community but themselves. There's no special opponent friends, they all bleed the same.

Having played just a handful of games of Standard since UK Nats and Milan CO I almost submitted some version of my classic Amani Sports for the vibes, which would've probably been slaughtered by the capable opponents I faced in this environment I wasn't even really familiar with, so I have to thank Silent Arbiter for his last-minute meta report.

Shoutout to Baserton for bringing my Sable to New Year's Showdown.

Shame on Baserton for bringing 3 Dive Sable to CBI (and rightfully getting punished for it) <3

What, you looking for something more?

Go watch Wolfey's World Championship video or something idk

23 Jan 2025 Council

Click Clack, Click Clack

23 Jan 2025 TorpedoTyrus

Great run and iam jealous that you stick to crim, betrayed it for Double Reboot Lat, looking forward to get back to Crim after Elevation! And sorry for tanking your SOS too because i had to drop out cause of a cold! :/

Oh and actually watched Wolfey´s Video a few hours ago, can recommend!

24 Jan 2025 HaverOfFun

Let's go! koga my goat skill-diffing at CBI!! congrats on the super job!

24 Jan 2025 Baserton

Strayed from the path and got reprimanded by the master.

Clearly got baited by the villainous @wow-ThatsALotOfCardsYouGotThere-lock wanting to just keep jamming Venti smh

Much love, hope to see you in Milan brother <3 <3

24 Jan 2025 CobraBubbles

Pulled up the album, started jamming, built the worst Ken deck of my career - 10/10

24 Jan 2025 mr_pelle

Self-Adapting Code Wall FTW!

25 Jan 2025 koga

@Council 😰

@TorpedoTyrus thank you and no worries, I got my fair share of luck later on in the day. Never betray a crim though, it's gonna come back to bite you! :P

@HaverOfFun that cracked me up AHAHA <3

@Baserton <3 <3 <3


One of us

@mr_pelle baby Lotus Field says hiiiiiiii

26 Jan 2025 Larrea

"Go watch wolfey's worlds video" is wild bruh

30 Jan 2025 galehar

Don't you have trouble tutoring Rashida and Spin with a single 1 cost trashable?

30 Jan 2025 koga

@Larrea <3

@galehar you just have 3x Extract and 1x Azef to pivot to lower cost cards and many agendas to push. Atlas with 1 counter should have a really high priority as that easily translates into a winning position late in the game, meaning you care about focusing on getting the right ice in position more than fetching a Spin or Rashida most of the times, though they can get you out of some uncomfortable situations. I could see the point in playing a 1 cost upgrade, ice seems pretty set in stone to me