Don't even consider this card unless you are running Adjusted Chronotype. Even then, this card is not for the faint of heart.
Rightly so, the internet has universally panned this card. It comes in at an expensive 5 credits and requires an additional 3 credit card to get you your click back for the rest of the game.
Once the card reaches this point, you have invested a great deal into it. But if you can manage it early enough, I would argue that you actually are better off than you are with just a Kati Jones on the table.
Lets compare.
Kati Jones requires a click investment and at least 3 turns of sacrificing a click and a fourth turn to click it out to get a payout worthy of the install. Depending on the match up, the full turns worth of clicks can actually hamper your aggression, while you are building up for your "1 big run".
Installing Hard At Work sacrifices some of that flexibility (you MUST click), but gets you 2 credits that turn. Over the course of the four turns, you get 8 credits, putting you 1 behind kati jones in terms of raw power, in exchange for giving you immediate access to the funds.
Now, in order for this dreamland scenario to be TRUE you must also get Hard At Work out for 2 credits, requiring either career fair or the supplier. At 2 credits, its pretty much a less flexible, less fragile kati jones.
If you also manage to pop out adjusted chronotype, either for free or at a reduced cost, you are living the dream. Two of these firing a turn suddenly warrants the lost click as gaining 4 credits a turn for a single click is pretty excellent.
I don't think it's there yet. But I think Chronotype almost made all of the "lose a click" cards relevant. Wyldside is now playable again. Starlight is almost there and might even go above and beyond in this cycle depending on any future doubles. Hard at work is the weakest, but might be better with the upcoming street peddler or a deck built around the supplier.
All in all, leave it in the binder, but keep an eye on it. You might just be surprised.