This card seems pretty useless until you think on: Adjusted Chronotype Comet 2 Lucky Find in hand and 3 credit

so 1 click = 12 credit... is a BIG BIG BIG combo. Require cards, require setup, require a lot of things so is not for everybody, but a friend made a deck around and it work, and when you do the THINGH the corp start hating you.

Yup... 8 creds and 4 clicks to setup (not to mention drawing), one click and 3 creds to fire - and you are short 3 creds. In the meanwhile Corp scores Eden Fragment... —
Here's a scenario: You are playing a Hayley doubles deck with Pawnshop and Comet. You drop Starlight as your first click, getting a click-free resource install. You then play a double, playing another double click-free. You have two clicks left. Next turn you sell Starlight to Aesop's Pawnshop. It's not great, but it's a reason to slot a one-of in a doubles deck that isn't order-dependent like finding Adjusted Chronotype is. —
Oh, BTW - with only two Lucky Find and 3 credits: 4 clicks and you are 5 creds ahead, without need to setup the whole ridiculous machinery. —
You are partially right, but all the setup is not for this card only; I use Comet as console (because I play a lot of event), I use Aesop (that I use in my deck also for cache) that can sell Starlight when not more useful and I use Starlight also for other doubles so for me it work. Starlight isn't an autoinclude and need a specific deck to became usable, but it can be. —

I've tested this card in a bunch of decks and it perform great. Can be a perfect match with Comet to play resources in a cheap way or simply lowering the cost of some card. For 1 influence can be played everywhere, I like it a lot.

I think this card is huge for Andy, not that she needed help. It lets you set up a piece of drip econ or The Supplier or whatever else you need on your first turn, removing 2 cards from your hand for a single click. If you also have Comet in hand, you can set up pretty scary fast and still have the creds to start running. —

Interesting analysis! The dependency on high-cost resources is definitely a challenge. This card's potential is intriguing, especially for Criminals. It reminds me of needing that perfect run in <a href="">Snow Rider 3d</a> to nail a challenging jump – timing is everything! Hopefully, we'll see more resource diversity. Beckman seems like a solid fit for now. Cheers!