This card is capable of some incredible feats, particularly against Eater decks. It is immune to parasite, Forked, and is sufficient annoying to break or run through that neither is really ideal. To illustrate the point:
In a recent NEXT game, I had found and installed all 3 Architects. One was on R&D, one on Archives, one on a remote that I was using to keep assets up vs Eater Keyhole. He had keyholed out two of my Jacksons sadly, but I simply Interns'd one back behind the remote Architect. He ran it, let it fire in order to trash it, and I simply installed the other Jackson in the trash into a new remote (and got to build my R&D from the top 5 for free). He runs to trash that one too, so I just trigger it and save an agenda and put the other jackson back in the deck. Eventually he realizes I'm almost set up to score out very safely, and goes for an Amped Up Wanton for his final play. Three agendas in my hand go in the trash, and I realize I should have kept the Jackson in the trash to recur rather than shuffle it back in. He runs archives, letting the Arch fire. I realize there's two jacksons in the deck, 15 cards left, not horrible odds, and it's there! Install it, save my agendas, recur an Adonis in the process, and laugh all the way to the bank.
This card is nuts.