Chew Your Way Through

Oisin 228

Like everyone else, I am looking forward to O&C. Here's a deck that tries to leverage Eater's ability without becoming too reliant on it.

The plan is to get Hemorrhage/Datasucker down earlier to pressure the hand and earn tokens. Then Keyhole into R&D while digging a bit for breakers to make the final run on Archives. MaxX's free draw should help get to those breakers (or throw them in the heap for easy retrieval via Deja Vu, Retrieval Run, and/or Clone Chip).

My hope is that, by including a regular breaker suite, the deck won't be crippled by Will o'-the-Wisp, Swordsman, etc.

20 Jan 2015 LastTriceratops

I think if you're going eater, you could afford to cut down on some of the duplicates of the regular icebreaker suite - especially with Special Order in the mix. I'd replace them with economy, as I think you might feel the pinch a bit with only Kati and Sure Gamble to make the bucks.

23 Jan 2015 Oisin

I'm going to keep the full breaker suite, but you are right about the economy. As much as I love Hemorrhage, I cut those for one more Wanton Destruction and 2 Day Job.