The Giving Tree (Build it Up, Then Tear it Down)

Immerwulf 2

This is my take on a deck that is built around Endless Hunger without actually using Apex. Build a nested tree of programs with Leprechaun as the root, and slowly tear down that tree as fuel for your Endless Hunger. Cheap programs + Mass Install and Hyperdriver for maximum funtime, and Levy AR to do it all over again if it gets dismantled.

This is the first iteration, and will probably be subject to edits after testing.

14 Sep 2015 CommissarFeesh

A single Rototurret or Grim is going to wreck your tree :/ I'd find room for a killer - any killer - to avoid some serious pain. Remember Endless Hunger only works on ETR.

14 Sep 2015 FarCryFromHuman

I agree with @CommissarFeesh. You need something to handle destroyer subroutines, as well as damage and non-traditional ETR subs (like traces that end the run). You also need a lot more draw. I'd look into Drug Dealer, more , and probably Aesop's Pawnshop, along with a traditional breaker suite. Technical Writer might be able to replace some of your event econ and save you from using clicks on Kati Jones.

14 Sep 2015 CommissarFeesh

@FarCryFromHuman that's a good shout actually regarding destroyers and AP. Consider Sharpshooter and Deus X with Crescentus recursion. You'll be leaning really hard on Clone Chip if you go this route though.

Still have to watch out for brain damage, so maybe a Feedback Filter too? Hard to see where to make the cuts without testing.