Sacrificial Construct (Revised Core Set)

  • Hayley Kaplan: Universal Scholar
    First Rotation
    Jesminder Sareen: Girl Behind the Curtain
    magikot 1992
    Edward Kim: Humanity's Hammer
    obscurica 1318
    First Rotation
    Ele "Smoke" Scovak: Cynosure of the Net
    Nasir Meidan: Cyber Explorer
    LSK 4674
    Hayley Kaplan: Universal Scholar
    hsiale 204
    2017 Regionals
    Rielle “Kit” Peddler: Transhuman
    daytodave 1224
    Ele "Smoke" Scovak: Cynosure of the Net
    Hayley Kaplan: Universal Scholar
    2016 Store Champs
    Steve Cambridge: Master Grifter
    Rahrhino 148
    2018 Store Champs First Rotation
    Andromeda: Dispossessed Ristie
    frankbsad 833
    2017 Store Champs
    Hayley Kaplan: Universal Scholar
    Kate "Mac" McCaffrey: Digital Tinker
    vor_lord 194
    2017 Store Champs
    Ele "Smoke" Scovak: Cynosure of the Net
    First Rotation
    Kabonesa Wu: Netspace Thrillseeker
    Ayla “Bios” Rahim: Simulant Specialist
    First Rotation
    Ele "Smoke" Scovak: Cynosure of the Net
    rotage 2963
    2017 Store Champs
    Armand "Geist" Walker: Tech Lord
    First Rotation
    Ele "Smoke" Scovak: Cynosure of the Net
    GooberMan 128
    First Rotation
    Chaos Theory: Wünderkind
    v01d 129
    Silhouette: Stealth Operative
    RhoZ 22
    Hayley Kaplan: Universal Scholar
    2016 Regionals
    Rielle “Kit” Peddler: Transhuman
    Rezalbyks 124
    2017 Nationals
    Hayley Kaplan: Universal Scholar
    aleph_c 620
    2016 Regionals
    Ayla “Bios” Rahim: Simulant Specialist
    013 333