Do corporation bleed? V.2

Dead Drop 147

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Corporation bleed cash, it is known, but can you make them bleed enough?

This is the revamp version after multiple tests, and it work pretty well. The biggest advantage is the effect of surprise. People will expect a massive turn on R&D and will slightly protect HQ.

The new inclusion of Prey and False echo allow you, during your big turn, to open HQ. If the corporation rez an ice, you break it one time and destroy your rig, in a last desperate moment. And if they choose not to rez, trash the ice anyway with false echo. If multiple ices on HQ, use The shadow net on Prey and repeat the process. No corporation will put 3 ices on HQ against Hayley...

Overall, this deck add more uncertainty in the game, letting the corp guess wich server will be attacked, and this is a good thing, in my opinion.

I join next the original explanation of the deck:

Built up for a big turn with Dhegdheer and Hyperdriver. Stock all your Fear The Masses under Bookmark, drawing and making money like crazy with Laguna and Baby Trump.

Install all your Fan Site, the Shadow Net, all you Same Old Thing and you are ready to pop into the hyper space of non-fun.

At the best hypothetical scenario, you will be playing your first copie of the five Fear the masses SEVEN times. (One normal, 3 with the shadow net, and 3 with same old thing) This is done by spending 4 credits and 10 clicks out of 13-14. This result in 35 cards in the bin. It is no small haemorrhage but a grandiose deli.

10 Jul 2017 Ahlan

Triple Advanced Hortum on HQ :l

10 Jul 2017 Dead Drop

That is why Eater is installed the turn the combo fire ;)