Reavershop Ayla

saetzero 2589

David is optional. Gauntlet can be TTW if you prefer. FBF was because I thought PU might show up, but I was wrong.

I been playing this kind of deck forever now, so it's just comfortable for me. Ask questions and ask. I probably encountered every situation possible with this list, but it is all just something I feel very natural with.

23 Jan 2018 saetzero

The deck is legal for tournament play. I probably picked the wrong Sure Gambles or something.

23 Jan 2018 Elodius

NIce ! No questions though, just a fanboi comment !

23 Jan 2018 znsolomon

What's the shadow net for? And have you considered a levy?

23 Jan 2018 saetzero

@@znsolomon Levy is restricted, so you cant run it in Aesops decks.

Shadow net is just a value card. If i need 9 dollars more than i need 1/2 points. If i need another scavenge cuz im 100% out of lady counters. If i wanna sell this GFI before it gets Exchange'd on me by CtM. If i wanna sell 15 minutes cuz well.... im not gonnna get to keep it lol. At worse, you just sell Shadow net to aesops for 3 creds and a draw.

23 Jan 2018 nutritionalzero

Omg, Aesop's in Ayla! I love it. What are you looking for on NVRAM and what are you putting back in the deck?

23 Jan 2018 nutritionalzero

Apologies if this is a double post: what are you looking for on NVRAM and what are you putting back in the deck?

23 Jan 2018 saetzero

@nutritionalzero tier 1 nvram: Aesops, Reaver, Astrolabe, SMC, relevant tech cards for the matchup (like misdirection vs nbn), Mad Dash, Beth vs CI

tier 2 nvram: tech cards you will never use in the matchup, Diesel, Sure Gamble, Indexing (no more than 1), harbinger (no more than 1), Beth vs Not-CI

tier 3 nvram: interdiction, gauntlet, breakers, cache, david, scavenge (no more than 1)

23 Jan 2018 FreqKing

Great build. Would you consider swapping D4v1d for Trope for more game against Jinteki: Potential Unleashed and other damage decks, or of course just money recursion?

23 Jan 2018 FreqKing

Great build. Would you consider swapping D4v1d for Trope for more legs against PU or straight money recursion?

23 Jan 2018 saetzero

@FreqKing you could, but without david aginfusion becomes very hard. and it has FBF to help with PU. just play more safely and run less. save money for FBF and just dont play recklessly.

27 Jan 2018 lukifer

Cool build! How do you fare against FA without Clot? Is the plan to just win on centrals before they can find 7? What does Interdiction usually counter, and how often do corps pre-rez to play around it?

27 Jan 2018 igrekk

Without Clone Chips there is almost no way to trigger Reaver during Corp turn

28 Jan 2018 saetzero

@lukifer FA isnt that strong if you have a lot of money and can keep tools off the board. Indexing at key times is big also, as is Gauntlet late game to clear out HQ if you sense they are waiting for FA tools. Keep them poor by forcing ice rez's. Interdiction is for like Batty or things like that. Lakshmi vs CI. Clears the Corp current. Its a good include, and how often its played around is kinda 50/50.

@igrekk Doesnt matter. You get it every single turn from Aesops. And SMC on corp turn is also a trigger, though risky ( you draw before you search so you can draw what you wanna find).