One Small Step for Bioroids

invictus_blue 139

Inspiration: /u/sigma83's comment regarding Shoot the Moon, here. My one adjustment to influence spending was -1 Tollbooth, +2 Daily Business Show to manage all those 3-pointers and find MSR.

Lots of big ICE to rez with Shoot the Moon, with a good spread of lower-cost to let you get up and running. Basically Redcoats built for closing out the game with a huge Midseason into Moon.

22 Dec 2014 Oisin

Very neat idea. I get why Archer is here, but would Data Raven work better for the deck's theme?

22 Dec 2014 invictus_blue

Good thought. Archer is certainly nicer to hit with Shoot the Moon, but Data Raven will get Shoot the Moon turned on more consistently. Once I run this deck a few times I'll try out the swap if consistency needs some help (which I'm 90% sure it will).