More Pals [1-3 @ Stirling CO]

qenya 1

This is just lif3line's Pals with an extra Fermenter (partly to be extra fodder for SDS, which worked very well on the day, and partly to bait out Maviruses, which did not). I was looking for something fun and offbeat and I certainly found that - I love decks that don't play the game "properly", and several people commented that they enjoyed seeing it in action.

The basic engine works very well, but I fear it's just not quite got the numbers on its side against the raw efficiency of Asa, BtL etc. I've never found myself completely stomped or locked out, and generally always find myself in quite a good position at the end of each game, just not quite having managed to pick up enough points by the time the Corp finishes scoring out. I'd like to try to find space for a third Twinning or Finality to get multiaccess up and running faster, and maybe Ashen Epilogue for the long games.

My Corp deck put up a much better showing.