Ads for Adam

chrome 1

Based on Dirty Laundry ep 5. Only uses cards from the Core Set and Data & Destiny. The name is a play on NBN and the friend I made this deck for. His name is Adam, and I'll give you one guess who he runs as.

My friend is just beginning to play Netrunner, which is why I'm using the limited card pool. He is looking into expanding his collection, but I wanted to help him make a functional yellow deck for him to use until then. Some of the choices may seem odd, but I made most of them with the intention of the deck being easy and comfortable for a beginner to pilot.

I'm a little concerned about only including three "end the run" ice, but an Archangel or an Assassin in front of a Resistor (trashing the runner's barrier breaker) actually works pretty well in our meta for keeping people out. If this proves too little though I am considering swapping the Global Food Initiatives for a few neutral agendas in order to include some Ice Walls.

As far as piloting the deck goes the idea is to rez as many ads as possible in order to keep the runner poor and unable to stop the ice from trashing their programs. Scorched Earth and Closed Account are really just there to pressure the runner into spending all their credits and clicks removing tags rather than running on servers.

Any beginner-friendly recommendations? Should I double down on the program trashing and include a Keegan Lane, or are there other areas that could be improved with the cards available to us?

1 Nov 2015 thepooterlooter

Why aren't you playing Pop-up Window? It seems like the exact thing this deck and ID want to have around.

2 Nov 2015 FarCryFromHuman

@thepooterlooter: Pop-up Window is from Cyber Exodus; @chrome has stated the deck is only using the Core and Data and Destiny card pools.

2 Nov 2015 Krams

It seems like the only asset that gains a benefit from Rebranding Team is Lily Lockwell. Is it woth adding an agenda only to make her an ad?

2 Nov 2015 chrome

@Krams [Rebranding Team] definitely isn't ideal, but I wanted to keep the agenda count as low as possible without allowing the runner to win with only 3 agendas, and the only other 2 pointer available to me is [Private Security Force]. I sided with the former because its shiny and new, but the latter might see more use.