Make it Rain

harvolev 100

Haarpsicord Studios. 'Nuf Said

but incase that wasn't enough... TGTBT and Snare!.. I mean seriously this is broken.

3x Traffic 3xScorch 2xMid season

Much destruction, many tags, such win, wow

17 Sep 2015 tiedyedvortex

Casting Call? It synergizes really well with Midseasons; if they take the agenda and immediately clear the tags, they're 4 credits behind the Midseasons. But if they don't, you Traffic Accident+Scorch them to death.

18 Sep 2015 PeterCapObvious

Film Critic would wreck your kill potential combined with New Angeles City Hall. Consider adding Snatch and Grab, with SEA Source. Can help snipe those nasty critics and help land tags

25 Sep 2015 harvolev

@PeterCapObvious You'd be surprised how hard it is for Film Critic to keep up. but yes it certainly hurts. @tiedyedvortex I really think that's a great idea, I like casting call, what would you take out in this build?