Hayley Stealth version 1

BlackTree 1

Hunting Grounds or Scrubber? Third SMC? Clot?

26 May 2016 sruman

A couple quick comments:

  • You'll rarely see both Magnum and Pro-co in a deck since they'll compete for clicks and have anti-synergy. I would suggest stick with pro- and you can move from box-e to astrolabe and drop an akamatsu or 2 (and maybe all 3 if want to adjust cloaks to 2) to fit Kati Jones, technical writers, etc. as additional money.

  • With Dagger, you don't really need femme. Having hunting grounds in the deck with a good sentry breaker (dagger) means there's really no good Femme targets you don't have covered.

  • D4v1d is a great program no doubt, but stealth decks are the ones that least need it. Refractor, dagger, and lady are all efficient against big ice so I don't think the 4 inf. spend is warranted. The 4 inf. would work better as 1 parasite and another clone chip I think (or clot and clone + ? or ...)

  • Similar argument for net-ready eyes, adding 1 strength to efficient breakers won't help that much in general.

  • More RDI's, should go for 3 as R&D is your win condition.

  • Given it's in faction, I think Artists Colony would be a better choice than data dealer. Honestly, given with a bit of re-arranging of econ, your only key pieces would be programs (moving to 3 SMCs at alot), I think you can move away from the whole fan-site thing to more money cards (or RDI's or maker's or ...)

  • if you do switch up econ package a bit then definitely consider technical writers as they're great in stealth hayley.

28 May 2016 BlackTree

@sruman Thanks for the comments.

The memory is a consern and thats why there is the Box-E. I Actually had the Astrolabe (which is propably a better console than Box-E) before and if I take Mopus out, I don't need that MU anymore.

Femme's biggest con is the cost and that has been a problem. Although, Femme plus Net-Ready Eyes equals Mimic, propably too an expensive one though. Femme with Scavenge is gold but I have other scavenge targets also.

I wasn't sure about running NRE, but I'm not yet convinced to leave them out either. I thought that NRE would save stealth credits against ICE like Archer or something and that it would be usefull in general. Needs more testing I guess.

I've never tested Technical Writers, but what I noticed with this deck is that later in the game, you don't need that much money. I guess the TW is kind of a late-game moneymaker?

For D4v1d, i think i'll try replacing it with Clot. And also more SMC and RDI.