RUG Control

Diegofsv 1368

A control deck making fun of the RUG Magic deck. Green (Diesel and Quality time) is your drawing machine. Red (DLR) to punish your opponent trashing their cards and Blue controling the opponent by crushing their credits, derrezing its ices and even thrash them. Install Theophilus after steal an agenda with data dealer installed to have a great deal of cards in your hand.

27 May 2014 wswan

Is this tested? I've heard of the whole Theophilius into Data Dealer trick, but I can't figure out why it would be worth it. Also, your description of a red ability sounds more like black, but that's neither here now there.

27 May 2014 wswan

Is this tested? I've heard of the whole Theophilius into Data Dealer trick, but I can't figure out why it would be worth it. Also, your description of a red ability sounds more like black, but that's neither here now there. I like everything else, I just couldn't do the Theophilius thing myself.

27 May 2014 Diegofsv

@wswan I'm testing it today so I will say how it works out, but I already changed it (the new version is here: Bagbiter is not that great right now and 3x Data dealers is just too much. About being black, I know that milling abilities is more B that R, but since we dont have a corp damage thing in netrunner, and since R&D is the corporation "life", we can think this as a red ability, but its just because of the color itself :)

28 May 2014 Diegofsv - playing with this deck and its great