Project BEORN

inniscor 567

This is the latest version of my foray into Weyland FA. I really dig the way Jemison allows you to ramp your agendas to inch ever closer to seven points. Unfortunately I find that this deck - through a failure of some combination of myself, Weyland Ice, and its game plan - is not really competitive. In essence the game plan involves slowing down the runner enough that you can sequence four or five combos to score seven points. There are a variety of paths to seven points and sequencing in this deck is not the hugest deal thanks to a variety of FA outlets, but your reliance on combo pieces coming into your hand at the right time is rough.

As of this pack this version performs well enough. I haven't tested the Swordsman for very long but wanted an extra piece of ice and this seemed as good a choice as any.

A brief look into the cards:

Dedication Ceremony - This card combos with three other cards and provides pretty good value. I can either make money with GRNDL (from one credit), empty someone's account after they made Temujin money, or advance a Mausolus. The latter as a play usually only matters if I lost someone their decoder by way of Sapper or Lockdown.

Ark Lockdown - I included the lockdown because it can either slow down parasite/siphon recursion, get rid of a clot mid game or a stray conspiracy breaker at some point. This card is pretty good value and nobody expects it.

Watchtower - At best ice fires once and at its best Watchtower is going to smooth out the most difficult aspect of this deck - sequencing. I don't think this is a particularly piece of ice except for two things. One, it lets me assemble the missing piece of some combo which is usually biotic, dedication, or sacrifice. Sometimes an agenda. The other utility is that unless the runner is very aggressive and has a way of mitigating the downside of letting me draw (read: don't rez this vs Medium) rezzing this ice will stop runs on that server until an answer comes. The downside of this card is that it's just not all that taxing once they have an answer and if they have a reason to walk through it you're toast.

Sacrifice - I actually really dig this card. One of my biggest problems with Hostile Takeover is that it leaves you in the unwinnable position of having a runner with three credit per run drip. You want to score your Hostiles early to pull off combos but those credits add up. Sacrifice lets me take my scored hostile and upgrade it to an Atlas for 0 credits. I've never used it in another case but it is possible to use it on a rezzed Oberth to turn an Atlas into a GFI.

Oberth Protocol - This card is great. This is the main engine of the deck and the plays that are possible here are pretty good. You can score 4/2s out of hand turning your Hostiles into Atlas or Geothermal. You can also use Biotic or one of GFI or Oberth installed to turn a Hostile into a GFI. This play is usually necessary to get off at least once to win a game.

Archer - I am constantly admonished for not valuing this card, but in Jemison I feel like I cannot afford to rez this card unless I am certain that rezzing it will end my opponent's ability to aggress at all. Because saccing agendas is a one way street in this deck and I only gain value out of them by ramping rezzing an Archer when they can break it (even if it's bankrupting) is just not worth it for the sac. I do not see myself ever using Archer to try to jam an agenda. Best case I fool you into running a junebug with EVEN MORE advances. Get out.

In general I think the game plan is interesting. Removing agendas from the deck while scoring anything that comes (including those pesky GFIs) as FA or NA is pretty powerful. Unfortunately any agenda that is stolen can be disastrous for your plan. I'm excited to see how Audacity can fit into the game plan as it can provide the final push needed to get an agenda scored. Stand Off probably slots into this deck as a way of pulling off cheap Oberth rezzes and any Archer rezzes at all.

11 Apr 2017 igrekk

Can you tell what kind of plays enabled by including Biotic?

11 Apr 2017 inniscor

@igrekk aside from the obvious (FA atlas, FA Fracking on prerezzed Oberth) the main one is FA Hostile->GFI using Oberth with nothing installed. Install Oberth, install GFI on it, rez and sac Hostile for 2 advance, Advance for two counters, advance puts is at four clicks. It also only takes 8 credits and they have to trash the Oberth which is pretty sweet.

12 Apr 2017 hi_impact

Pretty great list! Watchtower is a natural include for Jemison, no kill combos required to make the ice great. People don't really mind facechecking Mausolus too much and this adds to the facecheck punishment.

14 Apr 2017 Waltzard

How do you make a Jemison deck without currents work? I always get estriked. Just hostile again?